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Atari Doctors!!! I need you!


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Hi i have an 6switcher and it is sick :sad:

What happens is , I put a cart in the slot and then the game comes up for about 5-6 seconds then goes to black or that haywire screen :x

I have the right power supply and i just changed the voltage regulator(just incase) and still the same thing happens.

Do any of you atari experts out there know what this could be or have had a problem like this yourself ?

So its not voltage and its not a dirty cart slot so what does that leave..?

Help me ressurect this baby! :D

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Flaky AC connection? You could always reflow the solder around the AC connector points. Does it worsen if you fiddle with the power cord? Move the console around? The cart in the slot? You could also try reflowing the solder around the cart port, too, or at the very least check for cracked solder points.


Check the power switch, too.

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The ac connection is ok and when i do this i leave the atari still and it just does this by itself,

The games are playable for 5-6 seconds then nothing.

Solders look ok everything seems to be fine cosmeticly.

Could it be a chip heating up and crashing?

I have won another 6 switcher for $5Aus(console only working)on ebay.

So maybey i could do a bit of chip swapping to see.

But it would be nice to get this one working.

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BTW, I'm counting up to my 2000th post!










A few years ago I saw all the guys who joined, not more than months before I did, and they had tons of posts to their names, I remember the big guys having no more than 2000!!!!! And then theres me, I post once or twice (usually) and so, it took me sooo freakin long to get up with you guys!!!!!



Remeber the "catch up with Moycon thread" when Moycon was the dude with the highest post count?



BTW, This is post #: 1989

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