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Editing rom music


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Is there a tool that I could use to edit ROM music, or ROM graphics?

Try Hack-O-Matic 2 for graphics. I don't know what people use for music. Maybe a nice moderator will move this thread to a place such as the Hacks forum and you'd be more likely to get an answer.

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Disassembling the binary is the only way to change something like this (unless you already know exactly what you are looking for and fair knowledge of what to change it to). You need to consider that a 2600 game is really just a collection of routines that execute 50 or 60 times a second (everything is based around the display kernal, which MUST send a picture to the television at that rate). So music routines are often just grabbing the value of the frame that we are currently on, and using that as an offset to fetch a value from a table - or alter the frame number value itself...and then sending that new value to the sound register.

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