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Things I learned from Atari


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Things I learned from Atari


•There is no problem that cannot be overcome by force.

•If it moves, DESTROY IT!

•Piloting any vehicle is simple and requires no training.

•One lone “good guy” can defeat an infinite number of “bad guys”.

•Make sure you eat all food lying on the ground.

•You can break things and get away with it.

•You can push other vehicles off the road and get away with it.

•If someone dies, they disappear.

•If you get mad enough, you can fight even better.

•You can operate all weapons without training.

•No matter how long you fight, you can always fight again.

•Death is reversible (only for you!)

•Ninjas are common and frequently fight in public.

•Whenever big fat mean guys are about to croak, they begin flashing red or yellow.

•You never run out of ammunition, just grenades.

•All women wear revealing clothing and have great bodies.

•Shoot everything. If it blows up or dies, it was bad.

•Don’t worry if your vehicles crashes and explodes. A new vehicle will appear in its place.

•A thousand-to-one odds against you is NOT a problem.

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Umm... I guess they're "shapely" if you think of Legos as being shaply as well.


Anyway- this reminds me of an old thread in recgames.video.classic... apologies to the original creators, who are noted in that link. That was based on an even older thread in RGVC, also fun to read: here.


Classic Game Physics...


Frogs can't swim


If you get to the edge of known space, you wrap around to the other side

(Einstein actually had a therory that was kinda like that)


One cannot dodge obstacles by getting beside them


Lasers can't hurt freindlies, unless you are shooting in a maze.


Fruit and other food is always helpful, be it as bonus points or as a weapon.


There are no nice robots


All Gorillas must be at the top of something


(Hundreds more in those above links.)

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That list is from the T-shirt they sell in Hot Topic right?

No way! He made that up himself. If he didn't write it, he would have said where he got it from! Oops, maybe not:





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The paddle that the game needs you to use is always the jittery one (but I guess it's the most used paddle for a reason) (unless you're playing Blackjack...then you can select to use the other paddle).


Never, never, never move away from the center when surrounded by asteroids (well, if you play "fast" Asteroids you may have to move once-in-a-while).


Don't touch blue, glowing walls and run from bouncing happy faces.


Never trust arrows...they usually point to bombs (am I the only one who plays Flag Capture?)


Don't taunt the Fygar horizontally through a thin wall of dirt.



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Blisters can form from a joystick.


I never knew my hand could cramp so much (don't go there)


Your best friend is your enemy when he's player two.


It's easier for player 1 than player 2 in Space Invaders.


Animals such as a frog and chicken don't do well in traffic.


When you're done with one wave and feel relieved, another hits you.



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