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cassette game name: crash land on a dinosaur infested planet


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Hey guys, I'm trying to remember the name of this cassette game I played on the 800 as a kid. The premise was that you had crash landed on some alien planet and needed to get across the surface to a research station on the other side. it had two screens, one was a hex map with colored icons for mtns, rivers, forests, etc and the other was just text info. on your turn, you'd choose a direction and then move. it would tell you what you encountered during the day and at night. half the time you'd have to shoot some dinosaur or something with a weapon. you had to choose what gear you took along with you in the beginning of the game based on weight points. but i remember being able to make spears along the way, or something. the game had a couple of different modes, too.


I thought the game was made by Epyx but couldn't find a name that sounded right listed with them anywhere. i remember the box having a purple-ish cover and the manual listing a bunch of stats about how effective certain weapons were vs certain animals.


If anyone has any idea of what the heck I'm talking about, I'd love to hear about it.



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