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Pictures of part of my collection


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I finally upacked some of my collection. While not ideal, it'll have to do until I get around to finishing my basement. I still have stuff boxed and away in my attic, basement, living room and a few of the closets, but at least the majority of my consoles and loose games are now accessible to play. Enjoy!






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Where did you get those "not so deep"plastic containers?I still have my loose 2600 collection in carton boxes stacked them one in top of the other,because the boxes are deep.



I picked them up at the Container Store. They're great because they open like a briefcase and are very durable. They retail there for $7.99 each. That's just a temporary solution for me until I build my home entertainment center in my basement. There I'll be doing a custiom cabinet. :D

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cool collection after i get done remodeling the in house gaming room. ( compared to the storage collection room) illsend pics in

maybe ill start also taking pics of my bathroom. ( there i house alot of my posters and other big game things that dont really have room for on the walls( cause of storage issues). gotta be a collection when it runs into one of the bathrooms

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