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Bowling Blues


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I seem to have this strange fascination with finding versions of 2600 carts that are not pictured on the AtariAge.com site. For example, I just recently found a bowling cart (Atari text version) that has blue text, not red. Cannot find this one on AtariAge.com. Another example would be a Casino cart (Atari text) that is green, not yellow...oooo exciting!


Are these somewhat common variations of the games?


Additionally, I've got the domain name Atari.ws up for auction on eBay until 4:00pm EST if anyone is interested.



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The label variation list consists of much input from other users, plus my own. I don't have every cartridge to scan, but if I did have the time, I may do it. That is if I can get my scanner to work. It likes to play with me. Some days it's good, others it collects dust and spits it at me.


The prices I put on the games I have for sale are not etched in stone. I looked at a few different sources for prices, including Jerry Greiner's guide which actually differentiates some of the labels. But in the end, I made the final decision on prices. I actually lowered many prices from what they were.


I don't own all the variations on the list. Wish I did. I think the I may just scan a general photo. So if people want to know what a Text 1 colored border looks like, I can do that one, then put silver border, then text 2, etc. Photos are much simpler. My biggest problem is space. I don't pay for my site. Couldn't generate enough income to keep it up. :) The wedding has made me poor and I'll be paying for it for the next few months.


So if I did scans, I would prefer someone else host them. I've mentioned to Albert I think once, and never got a response. It would have to be thought up first, and organized in a way for the viewer to be comfortable and see each item. Maybe I'll do it and make a CD and charge for it. Problem with that is I won't have all variations and when I add new ones, I'd have to rewrite the cd.


Any opinions?



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Wow. What a challenging and demanding project that would be. You would almost certainly have to have a site with user participation, whereby registered users could send in their own scanned-in versions and descriptions.


My first thought would be once they logged in they could choose from a dropdown list of all of the 2600 titles. This would take them the main screen for that game that lists all of the different currently recorded versions of that game, with a clickable link that takes then to the scanned images. Sounds alot like AtariAge.com huh... but not so robust. If they don't see their version in the list, they could add their description and upload their scanned images (size requirements for images would be necessary). Then before a new version was added, you would first have to approve the submission. Upon approval, the new submission would be added to the list.


I don't know, I'm sure you have your own ideas on how this could work, but it seems to me like it would be too much for one man/woman to handle alone unless you took this sort of approach.


The webhost that I use is ePerfect.net, and they have very affordable prices, and their customer service is top notch. You can get a plan with 500 MB Space for $14.95/mo. $179.40/yr - that's pretty good.


Plus, if you mention BuyaWebsite.com when ordering one of their Web Hosting Plans, you can choose either a Free Plan Upgrade or 2 Free months of Hosting.


Good luck whatever you decide, and thanks for all of the useful information.

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