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Music inspired by and sampling Atari


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While in downtown Ann Arbor yesterday, I took a swing into Wazoo, a used music store.


I sifted through a few sections, including electronica. I stumbled upon something that I just had to gamble on.


Given that Kraftwerk is my favorite band and that I am an Atari fan, I could not resist a CD cover with the middle and right bars of the Atari Fuji as a logo and the title "Das Nonstop-Programm." :)


It was only $8, so I gave it a try. Though made in 2003, it turns out to be very early 80's electro, though I could swear there's a couple of Atari-like sounds in there - including samples from Yar's Revenge!


The name of the group is "1L" - look at the Fuji with the left bar missing and you'll get it.


The music label is RES FREq - you can check them out at http://www.res-freq.com/.


P.S. Sad realization - I picked it up used at Wazoo for more than cover price.


P.P.S. The track "analyze & duplicate" is the one with Yar samples, but there isn't a listenable version on the web site.

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