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Hello! Newbie stuff and Double Dragon...


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Hi folks,

My name is Sharopolis and I collect Atari...

I thought I could handle it, I thought I'll just pick up a 2600 jr and a few carts, just a couple of the games I like... now I can't get enough and I keep finding carts I just HAVE to have! Im sure you know the story.


I've been lurking here a while and have finally registered. Im from the UK, and I've been collecting 2600 stuff for the past year or so. I never owned a 2600 when I was a kid, but after discovering it through emulation I became strangely addicted to its unique style and top quality games. I believe theres a couple of guys I know from another forum hang around here sometimes, so hello thx and spector and anyone else from WOS who strays in here!

Anyway, I have a couple of questions, which are vaguely related.

Firstly does anyone know of a european or british based rarity guide? It seems that a lot of games that are considered rarities in NTSC format are very easy to find over here and vice versa. The Atari age guide is a bit vauge on european releases and doesnt even seem to mention them all, I picked up a copy of cross force in the 'wild' the other day but there seems to be no mention of a PAL release in the guide. I dont even know what carts were or weren't released here in the uk and what its worth me bidding for ntsc carts on USA auctions.


In relation to that, I recently picked up a mib double dragon on ebay for a fiver (dunno the current exchange rate, but less than $10) and I think I was probably ripped off. Is it me? am I missing something or is this game unplayable? I can't get of the first screen, I can't even beat the first baddie! Is there some teqnique I've not picked up on or is this game just stupidly hard? The controllsystem is so bad and the enemies so hard to defeat it's almost hypnotic. Are they hiding something? do the later levels even exist or am I just crap at this game? I really would like to know as this game looks like a better conversion that anyone could have hoped for on the 2600, but it just seems so damn hard! Anyone got any tips?

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Hi folks,  

I believe theres a couple of guys I know from another forum hang around here sometimes


Actually, there are at least three of us ;)


In relation to that, I recently picked up a mib double dragon on ebay for a fiver (dunno the current exchange rate, but less than $10) and I think I was probably ripped off. Is it me? am I missing something or is this game unplayable? I can't get of the first screen, I can't even beat the first baddie! Is there some teqnique I've not picked up on or is this game just stupidly hard? The controllsystem is so bad and the enemies so hard to defeat it's almost hypnotic. Are they hiding something? do the later levels even exist or am I just crap at this game? I really would like to know as this game looks like a better conversion that anyone could have hoped for on the 2600, but it just seems so damn hard! Anyone got any tips?


No, it's just you. Everyone else thinks Double Dragon is great. :ponder:


Um, okay it's crap. Best tip - take game, take large hammer, apply hammer to game, sweep debris in bin.


Welcome to the forums, Shar!

And so the Speccysation of AtariAge continues. :twisted: :D

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One tip for Double Dragon, keep high or keep low, as the baddies don't go above/below the middle of the screen. I stand and wait on them to come to me. If you wait, they don't seem to cross over a certain point, usually they can't even hit you unless you move. You need to take on one at a time, and I personally go back & forth with each dude, throw a punch, then back up so as not to get hit type deal. It's kind of slow beating them like that, need to hit a few times to kill, but it can be done. Then once one's gone, do the other in. Then repeat. :| Or you could throw Seaquest in instead. or insert any other Actvision game that's actually fun. :P

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Like video game addict said, DD is all about stick and move, stick and move. Hit/kick/drop kick, and then get out of there, repeat.


If you get the hang of that, DD is a pretty good game with NES level graphics and incredible sound for the VCS.


Welcome and enjoy! :)

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I think it is a great game. It did take me a while to actually learn how to control it. I now have the high score for it on Twin Galaxies scoreboard. I know of three players that have completed the game other than myself. Keep trying, just the sounds are the BEST for the 2600 and are worth the play time just to get to hear the music. Good Luck!!

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Yeah when I first got Double Dragon for the 2600 I was quite confused as well but once you get the hang of it it's actually extremely easy to win every time. The only problem I have is that I always lose one life because of the impossible time limit on the final level. Also although it's simple(after figuring out the right technique) in one player mode, two player mode is really tough because you can't use the moving up and down constantly technique to beat the enemies. I'd be really interested to know if anyone has ever won it in two player mode. All in all I think the 2600 version of DD is probably the most fun home version I have ever had out of Megadrive, Master System, NES, Gameboy, C64, PC, Amiga & Atari ST because unlike the others the 2600 version provides a great challenge to figure out. I also think the graphics & sound are sensational for a vcs game. :)

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Welcome to AtariAge O Speccy user.... good to see another Sinclair fan on the site (though I don't read the WOS forums I imagine they're pretty much like comp.sys.sinclair).


Funnily enough, DD was one of the first games I got for the Atari too and like you I couldn't work out how to play it. Of course that was in the olden days when I was younger and didn't understand the finer points of the game. Now I'm older and don't understand the finer points of the game. I suspect there are none.


Anyhow, the first thing an Atari collector from Europe (or the UK!) should know is the AtariAge database is only useful for NTSC carts. For PAL carts it's a little inaccurate (let's be honest, it doesn't really have a PAL rarity list), and several people - myself included - have tried to make a proper PAL rarity list. Unfortunately all my efforts were lost in a hard disk crash a few months back, including my specially crafted PHP database server but one day..... Until we can get a group of people to collaborate and make a really good list we just won't know - there's just so many PAL carts out there, many of which the Americans don't know about, and they're the main Atari owners.


In the meantime, it should be pointed out that as you have a PAL Atari many of your games are running at 50Hz instead of the 60Hz they were designed for. If you want to play them (with the correct colours) you'll need to modify your Atari or have an American TV (I've never seen a TV that'll tune into channel 3, display the picture _and_ play the sound) in which case I can offer you a modified (composite video and audio) 2600 for that purpose if you're interested (PM me if so). Do make sure your TV can view NTSC signal though or you'll need another widget (about £25)! I can modify PAL Ataris too if you get fed up of the poor picture quality!


Enjoy your new-found Atari addiction!

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Thanks for welcome and the tips!

Im gonna get playing, perhaps with some hard work and dilligent study Ill be able to reach that fabled second screen. Heh, Im sure theres a good game lurking in there somewhere.

As for the PAL stuff, well it looks like Im going to have to play it by ear, but its good to know that this board is reasonably populated by brits who'll help me out.

Btw, in case you miss it Spirantho, I've pmed you about the modded stuff.

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