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Basic Programming program collection webpage?


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Nooo...he said he had a hard time finding it through searching...but my machine pulled it right up.


:lol: That's pretty easy when you know exactly what you are looking for, but try it like this and see what you get:



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Nooo...he said he had a hard time finding it through searching...but my machine pulled it right up.


:lol: That's pretty easy when you know exactly what you are looking for, but try it like this and see what you get:



The name of the file was in that other thread ;) So yeah...I did know exactly what to look for.

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Yeah, exactly




Now I just gotta figure out if I should dig up all the atari bits for this, or try doing it in an emulator...how is emulator support for that keypad?


It sucks. I mean that it works alright...but it's not quite the same as pushing those round clicky buttons.


And the overlays won't fit on the keyboard...aww... :(

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I wonder if there is a way to use basic programming (or perhaps its rom,) in some modified way to load into the supercharger to give you more space to write the game in? It would be interesting to see what is possible when freed from the crippling small amount of room there is to work with...


And what about spectravideo's compumate? Are there any games written for it? I got one from Australia off of ebay aboot a year agoo...

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I wonder if there is a way to use basic programming (or perhaps its rom,) in some modified way to load into the supercharger to give you more space to write the game in? It would be interesting to see what is possible when freed from the crippling small amount of room there is to work with...

The program would need to be modified significantly to work with 2k bankswitching...but it -theoretically- be done. It would be in vain tho...since the program wouldn't be able to use more than 9 lines (that's when the text gets garbled).




And what about spectravideo's compumate? Are there any games written for it? I got one from Australia off of ebay aboot a year ago...

There was a "scene" for it. IIRC, there's a book that was made that lists a bunch of 1k programs.

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I wonder if there is a way to use basic programming (or perhaps its rom,) in some modified way to load into the supercharger to give you more space to write the game in? It would be interesting to see what is possible when freed from the crippling small amount of room there is to work with...


And what about spectravideo's compumate? Are there any games written for it? I got one from Australia off of ebay aboot a year agoo...


There is probably a way to use the Basic Programming screen kernel to support a raw machine language editor for the Supercharger. It might even be possible to write an assembler for it but only if there was a way to store the tokenized assembly to disk and then read it back block by block. That's probably possible through the joystick ports but obviously the way to code for the 2600 these days is to cross-assemble on the PC and just download BINs to the Supercharger.

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