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trackball 4k - help needed


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guys & girls


i decided to implement a custom font (or at least few chars for 0-9 and game over) for my 4k game called trackball...


which one should i choose? i just found this site...




btw at the moment the memory usage is planned as:


- 2048 bytes for code

- 1024 bytes for font(s)

- 1024 bytes for level data & depacker


hmmm.... seems there is no room for music...





the 1st tech demo can be found here... sorry for crap gfx but this will be fixed later...



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Notice that the 4k contest allows for larger the 4k foot-print in memory... so if you don't redefine the entire font set in the executable, you should have more room available. (Instead of the full 1024k for the fontbank, only store the portion you need);


You *might* be able to squeeze in music and play routines into the extra space.


I have only briefly examined the font site, but you might look at Font "nr 086" on the Graphical fonts site; This is a 16x16 font however, which will quickly eat space. Perhaps usable only for numbers;


Also for an 8x8 font "nr 165" is nice.

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thanks gauntman... will have a look but it seems nearly impossible to reach the deadline when working in real 09:00-09:00...


but anyway... i made small progress... with this tech demo its more obvious how this game will work...


you are controlling the jumping ball across the huge levels and you have to avoid to fall down...


there will be some additional features included like enemies, power ups and other special fx like fog, night/day etc... of course including music soundtrack... and it will not be a 4k anymore...


the tech demo has now bigger platforms and will scroll 1 complete level... you can see that in the source code and on the most right platform and left platform at top/bottom of each level.


you will be able to controll the ball via joystick of course...

and if you are really dedicated... then you could start to design levels with "ascii" the world best editor... ;)



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