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Ahh! 2600 people need some help (with homework)


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For my ENG 110 class I have to write a Expositary Essay. With my big mouth I said I wanted to write mine on video games and my teacher told me I had to do mine on the 2600 (which I know little about).


First, I have to tell about the different types of 2600s (which I can get from the site, with credit), so that's not a problem.


The problem I am having with is about hack carts (Brazilian would be best), I have to be able to tell the difference between them (offical and hack versions).


Can anyone give me some help? Even small differences will help.




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That sounds like an awesome project right there. :D


Brazilian carts and other pirates are usually very eay to tell apart from Amercian/officially produced ones by:

>Common mispellings in English words

>Label pics that have NOTHING to do with the game at all

>The name "Vision" in company usually is from a pirate nature

>The carts are sometimes even in a foreign language, usually Spanish


There are some more, but these are the biggest points right here. :)


Hope this helps and good luck! :D

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Well, obviously most of them will conform to the PAL-M video standard, so they'll show up with wrong colors on an NTSC television.


>Label pics that have NOTHING to do with the game at all


A number of them might not even show the name of the game or the company who made it.


Incidentally, I love how the Zellers version of Challenge has some kind of Ghostbusters picture on it... has absolutely nothing even remotely related to the game on it.



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