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Odd Air-Sea Battle Artwork (Atari 2800)


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Check out the Atari 2800 (Japanese 2600) artwork for Air-Sea Battle




As far as I know, this is the only time different artwork that was used for the 2800 games. I wonder if they found the original to be offensive some how?



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If the original label has Jap Zeros in it or possibly an American bomber, they probably felt that it was offensive to the Japanese and changed the graphics. It has happened before. Especially at the place I work... a samll, but well known aircraft company in Seattle ;)



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You know some of the foreign Atari catalogs show Silver box Air-Sea Battles, wonder if THATS what's inside them?!  :P


AFAIK, the Atari 2800 boxes all had standard 2600 carts in them - no new labels or anything. Well, those that were actually released, anyways.

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