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MyIDE Image Manager

Shawn Jefferson

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I have created an image manager for the MyIDE hard drive interface available from Mr. Atari (http://www.mr-atari.com/). If you have this hardware, you know it's a pretty cool and inexpensive way to connect a hard drive to your Atari.


Unfortunately, the method for copying and selecting disk images isn't the greatest, since the image is only referenced by a four digit number. My program allows you to add descriptions to your images.




- 30 characters per image description

- delete, rename, modify, and boot images from the program

- search your images for a substring and display matches

- compatible with the built-in image routines


Anyhow, here is a zip file with version 1.2 and some documentation on how to use it. This archive will also be available on Mr. Atari's website.



Shawn Jefferson

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Great stuff Shawn!


Is there a way to boot directly into the image manager?


Sure, make a partition on your MyIDE hard drive, call it D1. Write a DOS, and copy the image manager to it. Rename it to whatever the DOS wants to autorun.


I think that the image manager does not need a DOS to work, although I haven't tried it that way. I'm not doing any file-level stuff, only sector level reading of the disks, so it should work without a DOS loaded.


I don't have a MyIDE RomOS yet (I have a burner and it's on my list of things to do!).

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Shawn,


long lasted, but now I had time to install my MyIDE-Interface and test your tool.


I noticed no problems using the tool. And it´s very useful. Those numbers have now names and that makes the usage more likely.


Big Thanks!!!

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My utility will not deal with bad sectors, but I don't think the MyIDE drivers do anything about bad sectors either, so that probably isn't a big concern. In the future I may allow the program to mark disk slots as bad and just not display them. The image table (where the descriptions are stored) however, would cause much more difficultly if it contained bad sectors.


If anyone has any comments or future enhancements they want included let me know!

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