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ET - The search for an Angel


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Hi all!


I realize that in many circles ET is considered the worst Atari game ever played but as a kid I er....actually quite liked it


My search is this. Twice over the course of what must have been several hundred games the flower that could be found in one of the pits and bought back to life turned into an angel and flew up, up and away |icon_innocent.gif - I am jesting not. Needless to say I scoured the rule book but found no mention of this event - can any of you expert gamers out there tell me what this represented.


All help greatly appreciated.


The Bear :)

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You are welcome, you are welcome...OH! You are welcome Boston_Bear!!!




Hmmmm, When you use "Bear" in your member name... It's like Bently Bear from Crystal Castles and not like those leather chap wearing guys with hairy backs who.... Ummm never mind.

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It's funny how a child perceives things. I'm assuming you were young when you found this "angel". I guess it is easily mistaken since it does sort of float up to the sky. My friend had mentioned the Yar back in 1996 when I first met him and we talked about Atari. Personally with all the games I've played, I have never gotten it, but one day he showed me it.



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I found the Yar as well, as a kid. I tried and tried and tried to make it happen again. But I never got it to work again, drove me nuts. I started to believe it was a bug. I wish Internet were around back in those days  :)



Same here. I remember this too. Povlok was just making fun of me last week for liking ET.

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Man, I must be the ONLY person who played ET through and through as a kid.  I found the Yar, the Indy, AND the JP intials ALL as a kid!  


Then again, I was a bit demented.... :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

I found the initials too, but since they are so easy to get, it wasn't such a big deal, but the Yar was the greatest thing ever in any game on any system! Has anyone ever found anything that compares? I haven't. It would have been great to find Indiana Jones or at least find the Yar again.

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