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basic math 61. 1977?


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Doesn't it seem odd that this original cart has such a high production number? The other originals have fairly low numbers starting with combat 01. Atari didn't have 60 released carts until right before the crash (I think. E.T. is around 70).


Does anyone know why Basic Math has such a high production number when it was made in 1977?

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This is due to the fact the Atari was originally going to group carts into categories. Here's how the original 9 line up



Action Series


01 Combat

02 Air Sea Battle

03 Star Ship


Racing Series


11 Indy 500

12 Street Racer


Sports Series


21 Video Olympics


Strategy Series


41 Surround


Gambling Series


51 Blackjack


Educational Series


61 Basic Math



If you look at the games around these numbers, you'll see that they generally fit the series. Atari abandoned this idea sometime around 79-80.



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This is due to the fact the Atari was originally going to group carts into categories.  Here's how the original 9 line up


Ok .. this is the first that I have heard of this! (I had the Sears Telegames original 8.) So how about more games and how they fit into this category system?


Pity that Math (1977) was not made to use the keyboard controller (1978)!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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There are a few gaps in the numbers, but for the most part they line up exactly. Also keep in mind that Atari abandoned this idea early on (79-80?), so some newer games were assigned to older part numbers that hadn't been used.





Action Series


01 Combat

02 Air Sea Battle

03 Star Ship

04 Space War

05 Outlaw

06 Slot Racers

07 Canyon Bomber


Racing Series


11 Indy 500

12 Street Racer


Sports Series


21 Video Olympics

22 Breakout

23 Homerun

24 basketball

25 Football

26 Miniature Golf

28 Bowling


Strategy Series


36 Video Checkers

39 Othello

41 Surround

42 Game of Concentration

43 Codebreaker

44 Flag Capture

45 Video Chess


Gambling Series


51 Blackjack

52 Casino

53 Slot Machine


Educational Series


61 Basic Math

62 Hangman

64 Brain Games

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