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about getting stuff from internet, and make them on 5,25


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Is it possible, I dunno if there's already a thread about this..... to get stuff from the internet, and put them on a disk for my atari 800xl....


Maybe it's also possible for an atari st.

Is there somesort of librairy for stuff, and maybe I can help, because for the st I got about 2500 disks with all sorts of software.

I also have a lot of magazines, only in dutch though.

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For the 800/XL/XE you need to look into a SIO2PC cable and software to use that. It allows you to hook your PC to your Atari, the PC acting like connected disk drives.


There is a 10502PC cable that allows you to hook a 1050 to your PC and make an image of any disk.


Go here:




He sells the excellent APE software as well as a SIO2PC/10502PC 2-in-1 adapter.


There's no other sane way to do it really. You could mess around with tryng to write to Atari floppies in your PC floppy drive, but that's more headache than it's worth. Null modem connection isn't much better.


For the ST: I briefly used a program on the PC to write ST disks from images I had downloaded off the web. Ask in the ST forum.

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