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Maximum number of robots in Berzerk


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I've never counted them before, but after reading this I will probably instintively start counting everytime I get to a new screen. Look what you've done.


What is Evil Otto? I hear he's the "merciless mind behind the robot gangs", but what is he supposed to be in physical form?


My guess: He's the ball from "Wall Ball", but with a bad attitude.



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What is Evil Otto?  I hear he's the "merciless mind behind the robot gangs", but what is he supposed to be in physical form?


I think that he is a game manifestation of the evil ROVER weather balloon that chases down people who try to escape from your Village in the 1960's TV show The Prisoner.


god I really need a Lotus Seven!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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I think I've just confirmed it by looking at the code. There are no more than 8 RAM positions for the graphic table offsets.


Thanks for reading though. I guess I should have done more research before posting :roll:


Are you kidding? Then how would the rest of us know there is a max of eight robots? :D

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Here's a question,  

Is there a way to make the maximum robot count increase?


Yes...ram would need a bit of editing, but it looks as if a few bytes are hardly touched.


Rather than increase the number of robots, a better hack would be to allow robots to fire diagonally.


Ohh .. I hear the sounds of keyboard hack tapping! :D


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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