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File version of Blast game!!!


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Hi all!


I dit it! I did it!! :o

Two weeks ago I found on great AtariMania site cart image of very interesting game called Blast. And I was totally fascinated by it because I've never seen something like that on my 8-bit Atari. However, I wasn't able to play it on my real machine because I didn't find file version anywhere. So I dediced to crack that cart image and now - after a lot of work - here it is!!! I hope you will find it very cool too! (And also I hope there will not be fifty messages from bored hackers who cracked it ages ago...)





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That ROM was released here a few months ago. There is more information about this available from:




:D  8)


Oh, s***! Not just ROM was released but Classic broke it in March already... :yawn: I don't read PROTOTYPE forum so didn't notice that! But, at least, I made my own crack and I'm ready for new fights. I still have some cart images without theirs binary executables, like Deset Falcon, Deflektor, Crossbow, Battlezone or Crime Buster. Is there anybody here to tell me if these games were converted to the file or disk versions already? I don't want to do worthless work again... Thanx.



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