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1050 double density upgrade options


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hey everyone,


i just finally got a working 8-bit setup again after almost 15 years of being out of the fold. I've started the process of making ATRs of my old disks (which, surprisingly, still work for the most part), and I've run across some double density disks that just won't work in my stock 1050.


So, what options do I have these days for upgrading my 1050 to a true double density drive? back in the day, I bought a US Doubler that I actually still have, but I am really hesitant to try it out in this drive, since the last drive I tried it in ended up in the scrap heap (EEPROM vs ROM issue, I think... I could've sent off for the other chip for free, but being impatient, I went the solder the jumper route... :( )


Would it be fairly cheap to get a pre-modded 1050 off eBay or some other website? or would it be easier/cheaper to get an upgrade kit?


Also, what kits are recommended? I'm only familar with US Doubler, but I've seen some of the other kits around as well. Are there any homebrew kits out there? It doesn't seem like a very difficult modification -- just some extra RAM and a new ROM, right?


Anyway, any help would be appreciated :) thanks!

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