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joystick specification


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Hey all,

I'm working on a project where I want to have my linux box emulate a 2600 joystick. The only problem is I can't find the specs for a 2600 joystick. I've done a quasi-thorough search (e.g. the first 10-20 pages of google hits for various combinations of atrari joystic spec*, this forum, and others) and can't find any information on the spec for atari 2600 joysticks. Certainly someone must know...


All I can find are software and resellers who don't post technical info. I know I read it somewhere online once but that was before I started this project and I didn't bookmark it or anything and now I can't find it. I don't have any actual joysticks (I think they're still floating around my inlaws garage somewhere; they sent me the machine and all the games, but no joystick :( ) so I can't sit down with a multimeter and figure it out myself


So if anyone either a) knows where I can find the specs or b) thinks sitting around with their joysticks and a multimiter is a fun way to spend an afternoon and would like to share the results, I would greatly appreciate it.



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