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Hey Milkman! Trek Overlays?


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I was checking out that paddle jitter tutorial you posted the link to earlier - Awesome by the way....... And I found the Star Trek Joystick Overlays that I'm assuming you made.


Are you going to make these available to the public.... they're pretty cool  8)


Hey thanks. Hope the pics help sort things out. Yea, those Star Trek overlays, and all the other overlays I did are available for everyone to enjoy. There are links there to download everything. Have at it! :D

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I've printed out all the various Star Raiders overlays Milkman designed with a color laser printer and laminated them for myself with wide clear packing tape.. I think they look great. :)


I haven't done the Star Trek ones, though (I have the real overlay and it looks like a &!^#$% pain to cut out that middle part). I've also made myself a set of Basic Programming overlays but haven't cut out the buttons yet (I need to find a hole punch), dozens of Intellivision overlays, and even a few ColecoVision ones...



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Some links back to home page not working' date='


.. I think they look great. :)


I haven't done the Star Trek ones, though (I have the real overlay and it looks like a &!^#$% pain to cut out that middle part). I've also made myself a set of Basic Programming overlays but haven't cut out the buttons yet (I need to find a hole punch), dozens of Intellivision overlays, and even a few ColecoVision ones...




Yeah, it take a steady hand to cut those Star Trek overlays out...don't touch the sides! lol

I have been tinkering with the Basic Programming overlays too. I have most of my Inty overlays, but missing a couple. Voch, you have a place to download your versions?

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Voch, you have a place to download your versions?


Mine aren't as fancy as yours. I just download a jpeg from a web page like this one, scale them up to 3.5" tall with Paint Shop Pro (the graphics program we have at work), and print 'em one at a time.


What ones do you need? I can do a few for you (but again...they're nothing fancy...just taped and cut out with scissors).



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