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So are these made in the US??


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Hello i have 2 atari systems that i bought off E-bay that i have questions on, The first is a 2600 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...TRK:MEWN:ITThat is a Promo system, they didnt know that neither did i until i got it, i dont know if this one is made in the US or not, it doesnt say that it was made in Tiwan. The other is a boxed system that says atari 2400 Is this made in the US to http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dllViewIt...8129441125?Take a look at my pics. Thanks



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Atari 2400? First time I ever saw one of those . . . I think there's a proto by that designation, but it was a system with built-in paddles and didn't look much like a VCS. Also certain that it didn't have a box. :)


As for the other one, it was one of the first four-switchers made, using leftover parts from the US-built 6-switch systems. There should be a mention of them on the "Systems" section of the site.

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Atari 2400? First time I ever saw one of those . . . I think there's a proto by that designation, but it was a system with built-in paddles and didn't look much like a VCS. Also certain that it didn't have a box. :)


As for the other one, it was one of the first four-switchers made, using leftover parts from the US-built 6-switch systems. There should be a mention of them on the "Systems" section of the site.

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It's a misprint. They've been on ebay before, last one was sort of shady looking, bad pics, unclear shots of numbers & the previous owners had drawn over the numbers to make it look more like a 6, so it was hard to say whether it was real or not. But some other people mentioned owning/seeing before, just a rarer printing mistake of a box.

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The 2400 was sold by IRWIN Electronics in Canada, its just a 6 switch 2600 with a box that says 2400. You can tell by the box that they just put 2400 in front of the 2600 on the box, the 2400 is darker than the 2600. ill get more pics up of the box. thats why im wondering if that vader was made in the US.



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Well take a look here "This looks similar to a standard CX2600A model, with a few minor differences. The piping around the switches is yellow instead of orange, and these models were manufactured in Sunnyvale as indicated on the underside of the unit. The box that these came in looks like a normal box except it has "Not for Resale, For promotional Purposes Only" stamped on the underside. We're not sure if there are any technical differences to the console, or if it was just an early edition of the new style for retailers to distribute in advance of sales."


As said in the hardware link for 2600

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