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What countries had the 2600


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I'm curious what countries the 2600 was released in. For instance if I wanted to collect a cart or two from EVERY country they were released in, how big a job is this?


Ones I know of:








What other? It seems like someone had a cart from Turkey on here a while back.

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I actually got an offer to go to Japan next year, that would be cool to pick up a couple carts to bring home with me.


Good luck, I'm unable to find the 2800 or games anywhere, although in akihabra, they had an american 2600 for display but not for sale... I would have hated to seen what they would have charged, being that would be an ultra rare thing there...

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That's what i thought too, but i was surprised when that Finnish ad for Hot Shot games showed up. It means that the 2600 had been available in Finland too..

IMO Finnland has always been part of "free" Western Europe (thinking in categories of east and west only).

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In Europe, I´m sure Atari was sold in England, France, Italy, Spain and Germany. The old PAL 2600 boxed, (like Yar´s revenge) has instructions on all these languages, and I think It was sold in more countries of Europe.

In Japan is difficult to find the 2800 because japanese are not very interested in foreign hardware :ponder: and I don´t think it was popular there.

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