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Dark Mage is fun, but driving me nuts!


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Ok. So I just got Dark Mage today... seemed pretty fun for awhile until I got stuck....


I did a little reading on the forums, but I never found any explanation for why you start at the castle in the beginning and can't hardly go anywhere else (I got the penny, tried to talk to the guard, tried to use my hammer and penny everywhere I could (I think))


Then I hit the reset because I realized I never read the intro text. So now I start in a different spot... I got the bread, stuck the babelfish in my ear (ah, HHGTG reference. I love it!) I saw the hermit and tried to talk to him, I talked to the snake, scared away the ogre with the dog, wandered around a bit..


I saw the arguing Jackelopes and all of that... so now I'm stuck. I don't know how to get from the castle part (with my penny) so that I can go give it to the troll and cross the bridge...


I could use a little help with how this game works (and probably a walkthrough to boot!). Help! :)

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