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Forbidden Forest... Dammit!!

dr. kwack

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Just got Forbidden Forest for my 800XL.


I played the C64 version as a kid- great music and sound fx, decent graphics with that "scare the hell out of you" feel if played late at night...


I am really disappointed with the music and graphics of the Atari version! Almost no gore and horribly bad music.


Can anyone tell me- are Aztec Challenge and Super Huey on the Atari Home Computer just as bad?



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There are two versions of Aztec Challenge on the Atari but they're completely different from the rewritten C64 release. Fun for a while but don't expect too much... Super Huey is OK, a lot like the Commodore version, though you should really try Tomahawk if you like helicopter simulators.


In general, Cosmi games tend to be a bit crappy on the Atari...



Atari Frog


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bryI agree. Forbidden Forest is crap on the Atari.[/b]
Yeah, Forbidden Forest was poor on the A8. I remember back then, a freind created his own version for the A8 based on the much better C64 version and was pretty acurate. Maybe it's floating around the net someplace or maybe just on a forgotten old floppy in a dusty loft.
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Amen, TMR!!


Having grown up with a C64, and now having an 800XL for the past few months, it's funny to see the comparisons of the titles.


Some Atari versions are better- like the Eidolon and Ballblazer, some are interestingly similar (like Bruce Lee and Conan) then you have the incredibly different ones like Forbidden Forest.


I guess the biggest change is the Music and Sound. I really dug the old C64 tunes, but on Atari they are sometimes a bit sub-par.


Any other titles out there that are better or worse on Atari than another that come to mind?

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I had Aztec Challenge for years (on tape), and hated it. I always thought it to be one of the worst commercial releases for the A8, ever.

Perhaps it was the "older" version.


I like the music and sound effects in the A8 version of Gyruss more than the C64, but the C64 has better (slightly) graphics.


I find the A8 version of Mr. Do! to be superior to the C64 version, but they're both good.

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Well, not knowning the C64's version, I quite enjoyed playing "FORBIDDEN FOREST" on Atari 8-bit in the past... It was something that made me play again and again... and that eerie atmosphere in the whole game was so intriguing...

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