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Working on a new Game - working title trackball


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some of you might know that i am coding a new game for atari800 and for it i would need some help... this time in level designing...


as the game itself is just WIP (so the title of the game) some of you might help me in desinging levels... ?


(ok... starting level designing does just make sense in beta stage but anyway... maybe you get used to the editor...)


1st i wanted to write my own editor but i remembered that we have a PC tool




which can be easily configured to my needs...


find attachted as well the second demo of the game... with a 1st tileset retrofan made for it...


in the demo i made a random map... so don't expect too much of it..


ah... gameplay will be that you have to jump with a ball from platform to platform avoiding nasties and to fall down while the screen is scrolling down... so easy to pickup...


the levels are 40x128 tiles large...


when you 1st start the level editor envision on PC you have to load the "bubble.fnt" included in the trackbal4.zip. make sure that it s placed in the same directory like envision.exe... so when starting the editor press on the small "D" for the disc options then load the font by typing in its filename...


then switch to the map editor by pressing "M" then click on "mode" and switch to antic mode "4" which is the multicolor mode.


now change the size of the map to 40x128 with "resize" and voila...you can start painting... :) best is enabling "type mode" where you can move around with the arrow keys and by pressing the desired keys the tiles are set... better read the text file for envision...


tell me what do you think if this editor is usefull or if there is another one which might be more comfortable?


i just want to avoid to spend a lot of time in coding an editor when there are already existing ones out there...


thanks guys for any help!!!



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oh... just found this map, tile and font editor for PC (mainly for c64)




called char pad... i managed to load bubble.fnt into it... i am just playing around with it.... maybe this could be used for level editing... but i have to double check the export functionality...

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