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Your Top Ten (a revision)


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We did this back in the early days:








and I was wondering, for those of us still around, does your list still match up? I know mine doesn't at all! Its kind of cool to see how much has changed over the past few years.


Take a gander back through time and see what you posted THEN, then come back here and post what you think NOW.


And for ye not already involved, feel free to post your list for the 1st time!



My (New) Top Ten:



2. Solaris

3. Pitfall II

4. Starpath Frogger

5. Marble Craze

6. Adventure

7. Crystal Castles

8. Star Wars Arcade

9. Dragonstomper

10. Ms. Pac-man



my, how things change! :) :) :) :)

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Here are 10 of my faves in no particular order -:



Ms Pacman


Demon Attack

Desert Falcon

Frogger (Starpath)

Track & Field

Moon Patrol

Road Runner

Midnight Magic


Half of the games in that list are probably permanently in my top 10, the other half changes regularly.

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10 Adventure

9 Pheonix

8 Yar's Revenge

7 Dragonfire

6 The Empire Strikes Back

5 Pengo

4 Berzerk

3 Ghost Manor

2 Pitfall II



I really think Pitfall! should get an honourable mention. It's so hard to figure out you're top ten games (especially when you're collection is at home and you are not).



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No real order except that HERO is number 1 :)



Pressure Cooker


Indy 500

This Planet Sucks

Thrust + Platinum

Marble Craze

Circus Atari

Yars Revenge



Those are my favorites but I get obsessed with games for a while and play them constantly too. Of those, add Laser Gates, Planet Patrol and Demon Attack.

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It's interesting how many people listed Adventure. While a legendary game, it's also hopelessly dated and boring. I bet some of the same people who listed Adventure talk about how much ET stinks.


Here's my top 10 after some serious thought:


10. Bumper Bash

9. Frogger The Official

8. Communist Mutants From Space

7. Bowling

6. Indy 500

5. Spider Fighter

4. Tutankham

3. Circus Atari

2. Warlords

1. Rabbit Transit


Joust, Kool Aid Man, Defender II, Mountain King, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Krull, Xenophobe, River Raid II, Indy 500, Quadrun, Off The Wall, Tooth Protectors, Wall Defender, and Tapper are also all great games that I really enjoy.

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Hmmm... tough list to write. I was torn between games that I like because they're fun to play, and games I like because they're technically impressive. So I'm going with fun to play.


10) Super Challenge Baseball

9) Laser Blast

8) Joust

7) Pitfall II

6) Demon Attack

5) Tennis (Activision)

4) Ice Hockey

3) H.E.R.O.

2) Megamania

1) Midnight Magic

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It's interesting how many people listed Adventure.  While a legendary game, it's also hopelessly dated and boring.  I bet some of the same people who listed Adventure talk about how much ET stinks.  


I'm not quite following you on that one. I think you can safely say that all 2600 games are dated. I still find it quite enjoyable and sometimes difficult to complete (on 3).


As for ET... allbeit, it does leave some things to be desired but all in all a pretty good game. I'd say the only way you couldn't like ET would be because you don't fully understand what to do or you for some reason can't stay out of pits. Personally, I have no trouble with the pits and don't know why some people make such a fuss about them.



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Since I never participated in the previous threads, I'd like to throw my Top 10 in here if it's ok:



9.Mario Bros



6.Bump 'N Jump

5.Miner 2049er

4.Pitfall II

3.Spitfire Attack

2.Elk Attack



All games are games that I've played over and over and games that I can get the most enjoyment out of. I didn't think I'd ever be able to come up with a Top 10 list, but after joining in the High Score Club for a few times, I got addicted to Tapper and Mario Bros. All games are excellent and must-own. Elk Attack was never released, but thanks to CPUWIZ, I have a copy of it. :D

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I hate to post again so soon, but I just thought of a few more games so I might end up making a Top 15 for my website with the games I mentioned above, along with the 10 I already listed. I enjoyed Bowling as a kid and Yar's Revenge is pretty sweet after I took the time to play it as part of the High Score Club.

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It's interesting how many people listed Adventure.  While a legendary game, it's also hopelessly dated and boring.  I bet some of the same people who listed Adventure talk about how much ET stinks.  


I'm not quite following you on that one. I think you can safely say that all 2600 games are dated. I still find it quite enjoyable and sometimes difficult to complete (on 3).


Let me clarify, Adventure is hopelessly dated even for a 2600 title. ;)

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