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Atari800 Emu for PPC?


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I've tried a few of the mobile versions of the emulation on various platforms, I don't think that any of the devices have the CPU power to achieve 100% yet especially with the usual ported C code. I've not tried the latest models of Ipaq myself though. I know that the C64 emulation is pretty accurate on the Ipaqs although they too state that many of the more taxing operations will not be accurate. So I guess unless someone codes in 100% the language of the devices from scratch or some very good optimisation of the code, we will have to wait for faster CPUs.

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Hi Heaven,


try out version 1.30 for win ce available at atari 800 sourceforge site. My Typhoon (400 MHz) runs most times 100% but the emulation speeds up if it runs for a while... maybe the emulator is set to 60 Hz and it runs then right - there is no setting for framerate in the menu - have to chek the cnf-file sometimes...

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in theory, the XScale based PPCs should be more than fast enough. The ARM CPU is very capable of emulating the 6502 -- the GBA with it's 16mhz ARM can pull off emulating a NES at full speed.


But, the problem is that nobody seems to want to spend the time in writing a custom emulator for the hardware. It's much "easier" to simply recompile an existing emulator and toss on a quick GUI than it is to write a new emulator from the ground up.


BTW -- what is the typical screen resolution on a PPC device? Can the whole Atari display be shown without any scaling?

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