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Vintage Atari photo


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This may have been done in the past, and probably been talked about, but does anyone have a vintage photo of themselves with Atari. This is at my aunt's house. I must be maybe 12 or 13 years old, since I got my glasses at the age of 12. I'm the kid in the yellow sweatshirt. The manual on the bed is an Atari Sears, which you probably can't make out. The game looks like Dodge 'Em.




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Funny you should mention this, I've had these two pics sitting on my hard drive for awhile now waiting for just such an opportunity.


Here we see little Stan getting Crystal Castles for Christmas (and loads of atlliteration to boot!) AND we see young Stan playing Jungle Hunt which he also got for Christmas, the next day. When it was an Atari Christmas, I was the happiest child in the world! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


(for added fun, check out that panelling, and that swank rabbit poster I had on the wall, and those hip 8 tracks below the TV. Above the TV you can see my slick Atari Jr. and on the shelf, some of my other games, I can distinctly make out MAD, and maybe Gangster Alley) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


ah, memories, happy memories.



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I dunno if my parents ever took pictures of the 2600 that they bought but I can check.


I do have a slight memory of seeing such a thing.


But you know, I do remember the box that my 2600 came in and all. My dad threw it out though. :sad:


I wish he wasn't so old. I miss playing Trick Shot with him and my brother on Sat afternoons. Aww, the memories.

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My mom has several older photos that she keeps together in various shoe boxes. I might decide to spend some time this weekend to see if any of them have a picture of myself with any Atari equipment. If I find one, I will have it scanned in and posted to this thread.

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I have one of me getting Pac-Man and Centipede (the 8-bit versions) on Christmas back in 1983 (when I got my Atari 400). I was SO happy , I'm holding them up and just beaming. Unfortunately it's on a slide, so I'd have to get it transferred. However it's the only picture I can think of that shows me with an Atari.



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I'm glad to bring nostalgia to the forum. Notice my brother sitting playing against me with his cheesy pants. Damn my parents for those square clothes. I think checkered and striped clothing was terrible and I actually hate old photos of me wearing such horrid things.


I probably have at least one Christmas photo, perhaps the first year I got Atari, which I think was 1978 or 1979. Star Wars toys competed alot with Atari, and my parents only had so much money. :(


BTW, I came across this photo while looking for photos of me when I was young to put in the picture montage on our wedding video.



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I found one last night, accidentally. It was Christmas of 80 or 81, whenever I first got my Atari. Funny thing is, I could've sworn I had a heavy sixer, but in the photo it's definitely not. I've also got a photo somewhere of me and my Pitfall high score (I never did receive that patch :( )

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