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how did they do it?


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i mean  Cassettes. and i'm asking how a game can play on a Cassette.


Same as it plays from any media, the data is stored on the tape and the computer reloads it into the RAM and runs it from there.

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The breakdown of the cassette format can be seen here:



A header is attached to the program data that tells the computer where the program is to be loaded, etc. IIRC, a machine-language editor cart like Assember/Editor has the ability to create these headers automatically when you write the file to the cassette device. For programs written in Basic, you'd just use CSAVE or LIST"C:" (the latter is slower, but more reliable). To load them back from cassette, you'd use CLOAD or ENTER"C:" (depending on which command was used to write it to the cassette).

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