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3D role-playing game engine demo


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I also posted this in the homebrew forum a while ago, but since it's for the ATARI 800 I post it here again now:


I have written an engine for 3D roleplaying games like Bard's Tale, Might and Magic or Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder.


The demo uses plain character graphics (ANTIC 6), but the graphics could easily be replaced by real graphics; bitmap or character-based.


Of course, it would be possible to "rip" graphics from Eye of the Beholder or Dungeon Master, but with all the copyright-problems right now, I'd not do this.


Maybe there is an artist out there who could create graphics for a 3D rpg, maybe not for the 800 XL, but also for the PC, because graphics can be converted.


The engine could also be used for a (simple) 3D shooter like they did with "Death Mask" for the AMIGA, "Xenomorph" on the ST or "Captive" for the ATARI ST/AMIGA, which was a rpg/action hybrid.


The demo is only a little bigger than 1K.You can move with the joystick, up means forward, left and right mean turn.


There are spinners (change direction by 180 degree), teleporters, traps, stairs, illusionary wallsand monsters.


Fighting the simple slime monsters is done with "fire" for attack.Pulling joystick back to escape, but it doesn't work always.

Resting with START,SELECT or OPTION , but a monster may surprise you.


A flashing screen means you're on a field with stairs, pressing fire means you go one level down.Monsters are stronger there.After a few levels, the game ends.

After death, you have to reload.You can get experience and levels and more hitpoints.


This is a VERY simple demo, but as I said, only a little more than 1K.Adding additional features like text, switches, NPCs, more monsters and different levels (there is only one dungeon in the demo) is no problem at all.The game-engine is so small that a lot of memory is unused.





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