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HSC Final?


HSC Continue, Break or End  

  1. 1. HSC Continue, Break or End

    • Finish this Round and Restart Jan 1
    • Continue Playing Weekly
    • HSC has run its course, time for something else
    • Continue but something different like biweekly

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Thanks for the feedback - You can suggest games to play at anytime. Alot of the games Ive picked are some of the more obscure since I was hoping to introduce folks to some classics they havent seen.


I try to include arcade conversions in each voting booth but sometimes they dont win :)

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Let's keep going, but I hope biweekly so I have enough to play the game because on friday never is posted the choosen game, so I have to wait until tuesday (for a resource issue) and usually I have no much time left in the week.


The best would be to know what game to play on friday so we have the whole weekend trying beat the HS.





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I think the biweekly's have it ;)


Next week we will start the biweekly event. This should give everyone enough time to play.


Maybe some weeks we'll pick 2 games to play - but usually it will be one.


Remember that in each voting booth you can nominate other games for the next week.


Thanks for everyones input - Frogger closes this Friday.

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I will suggest Juno First for the next voting round. It is a fun shooter by Datasoft, and maybe put AE on there also.


I get tired of all the same old games that get picked, I want somthing that I haven't played a lot. And it ends up making it more fair also when it is an lesser known title.

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