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Check this catalog: http://www.atarimania.com/det_catalogue.ph...CATALOGUE_ID=76


Datasoft was also to re-release the game along with Elevator Action which is listed as RX8070. Who knows, maybe both of the games are out there?  



Atari Froghttp://www.atarimania.com


The screenshot of Crystal Castles looks awful in that flyer -- it looks more like the 2600 version of the game than the 1988 release. Was the 1984 16k version really that rough?

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I find it pretty interesting to see what titles didn't get released on the Atari. One non-atari site I'll visit often (and I'm sure I've mentiond it here before) is www.cs.c64.org - unreleased games for the C64. Have a look at Deadlock, an example of an unreleased but beautiful commodore game.


Thankfully in the Atari communinty is Tempest's www.atariprotos.com


Looking forward to seeing the updated 8-bit section!

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