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Atari Nintendo and Colecovision

Atari Dogs

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Regarding the fact that Nintendo asked Atari to release the Nintendo system in the US, why did not they ask Coleco? I always wanted a Colecovision when I was a kid, but I already had a 2600 and my parents would not buy another system.


Was Coleco already dead when Nintendo asked Atari? Nintendo already had business dealings with Coleco with Donkey Kong. Other games in Coleco's line up were more similar to the Nintendo's than Atari games. It would be cool to play a SuperColecovision, Coleco64, or a Coleco Game Cube.

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At the time, Nintendo saw Atari as the 800 pound gorilla of videogames. They felt that they were not going to be able to compete with Atari so it seemed to make sense to form a partnership. I always wondered if Atari had finally signed on the dotted line to market the NES how it would have turned out given Atari's difficulties when the crash hit. The deal was in process before the crash had occured.

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Coleco would probably still be around today if not for the Cabbage Patch Kid craze coming to a screeching halt...


Colecovision was probably the system that produced the most "arcade like" experience at home. The 2600, not even close. Same with the Inty. I love my 5200, but the CV just had the better arcade ports IMHO.

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 I always wanted a Colecovision when I was a kid, but I already had a 2600 and my parents would not buy another system.  


I think that pretty much explains what happened to the Colecovision. I wanted one SOOOOOO bad, but there was no way I was going to get another game system, so that was pretty much the end of that ambition. I never got one until earlier this year. In the '80s Atari pretty well owned the video game world.



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Apparently 3-4 million parents did buy a Colecovision. It was on its way to taking over the industry before Coleco bailed out to concentrate on the Adam and that idiotic Super upgrade (now that you bought a system for 200, spend another 200 to play REALLY good versions of the games we walready sold you).

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I don't think that the Colecovision console was the problem. What hurt Coleco was the releasing of the Adam computer and the computer had a lot of initial problems when it was released. There were so many mistakes made with that model like having the power supply in the printer so that it required that the printer be on even when you were not going to be using it.


Have the tape drive mechanism that required specialized tapes that could not be just bought at a regular store also hurt as it took time for tapes to record information a long time before they became available.


The Cabbage Patch dolls actually kept Coleco alive when their colecovision line was no longer a seller.

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Well I thought the Adam had a decent keyboard and could have been better with some important changes. First they should have released it with a disk drive, and not a tape drive. Second they should have worked out some of the bugs in the word processing software as I heard that there was some issues with the program. And put the power supply in the base, not in the printer.


I heard that they did make some fixes in the second set of machines but by then, no one wanted to go anywhere near it due to the problems associated with the first set of machines.


Does anyone know if they still hold Adam conventions? I heard that there was one held a few years ago.

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I loved my Colecovision so much and when I saw a preview of the Adam in some gaming magazine from back in the days I remember seeing pics of updated versions of Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. which at the time looked really close to the arcade version plus they also released Dragon's Lair around the same time which I imagined to being "exactly like the arcade". I begged my parents to get it for me but they got me the Atari 800xl sooner after instead, which was probably the best choice.

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I lived though those times. The reason for the video game crash was clear. What those gaming companies were trying to sell us was nothing but junk. It wasn't any better at the Arcades either. They had the videodisc arcade game hybrids anyone who seen then on Starcade knows how bad they were. It was bound to happen to matter what

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