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Broad Band and my Atari?


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This is a big day of questions for me... But you guys are the only ones who can give me the facts. Thanks for any help.


Is it possible to get my atari online 8-bit 65XE online via broadband cable connection? Is there any information on getting a 802.11b wireless working on an atri 8-bit? Any Webrowsers I could use?


I have sio2pc cable. Is there any software that will let me use my PC's wireless card to pass information via SIO two an atari Client/browser?


I have a 1040ST being delivered in the next week. Any possibility of doing something on them.



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Thank you for taking the time to answer my post. I will look at the information tonight!




I am still constantly amazed by the knowledge of members here at Atariage. It seems that regardless of topic - someone will have the answer to any question. The people that I have come in contact with here, have truly been great and welcoming - offering advice, help, and going out-of-their way to assist even newcomers.


This site has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me and my enjoyment of Atari. The site is a great resource, and my only regret is that I didn't find it sooner. It's truly appreciated. So thanks to everyone involved here, Admins, Mods, Members.



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This is a big day of questions for me... But you guys are the only ones who can give me the facts. Thanks for any help.


Is it possible to get my atari online 8-bit 65XE online via broadband cable connection? Is there any information on getting a 802.11b wireless working on an atri 8-bit? Any Webrowsers I could use?  


I have sio2pc cable. Is there any software that will let me use my PC's wireless card to pass information via SIO two an atari Client/browser?


I have a 1040ST being delivered in the next week. Any possibility of doing something on them.




A few years back I started up a grass roots effort for what I called the Atari Ethercart that would have an rj45 connector and using the necessary tcp/ip driver would allow 8bits to connect to other networked computers.


It was hoped that over time ftp, smtp/pop and maybe simple text html (ala Lynx - the browser, not the handheld) would be developed for the system...


The design group took on a life of its own and a lot of work has been done, software has been ported and successful prototypes have been made, hopefully it will be taken to a small prodcution run stage as well.





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Ah, ha! I thought I would find this thread here.


The Ethercart proto-type works great. Doctor Clu has a prototype as well for "testing...". There is more that needs to be done on the hardware and software, but I will not have time to work on the updates until at least January. I am trying to finish JellyBeans before I finish any of my other Atari Projects... :)



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Curt ,

That's really good news!!! =) Thanks for getting something like this started.



I can't even imagine the ammount of work this type of project requires. I would be very intersted in purchasing a product like this when it's released. I would even be willing to beta test, and submit logs.


I completely understand the need to finish JellyBeans first. (I think I saw a thread on this.)


When you return to working on Ethercart, are you going to be posting information on Atariage? I'd like to follow the status of this project.



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