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400! Whoo-hoo!


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I just hit 400 carts!!! I hadn't taken a count or filed any of my games for a while but did tonight and I have 400 right on the nose!

Shameless brag! Collecting Pal carts helped put me over the top. I was stuck for a while, getting hard to get games anymore since I have 99.9% of 1-4's and a lot of 5's & 6's


Pity me. :sad: :D :P

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Good job :-) I remember the day I hit past the 400 mark, iirc it was right around when I fianlly got subterrania!


I know this doesn't sound believeable, but that is the EXACT cart that got me to 400! I won a lot of games via ebay, one of them was Subterranea! That was my 400th (I actually have more counting the few dupes I already have , plus the ones I won in that lot...but I'm counting unique titles)

THAT is some co-inky-dink!

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I lost track of my count. I haven't bought any for awhile since my box raid this passed summer. Plus, last Christmas, I gave my nieces and nephews 1 each of every double I could find. So who knows for sure. All I know is I have an Iris unit full, a couple of other boxes full and another bookshelf full of boxed games.



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