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Found in the wild...


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I very rarely, if ever, go to flea markets and such, but today, I happened to be driving by one, so I figured I would stop and see what I could find.



For $1 each, I found Smurfs Save the Day, and Kool Aid.


Kool aid is pretty common I guess, but I didn't have it. But finding a Smurfs Save the Day in the wild I thought was pretty nice for my first hunt.


-- Just had to share this with a crowd that would understand -- when I tried to explain it to my wife, she wasn't impressed :(



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Very nice find, Jerry! :thumbsup: That would certainly make my day, heck that would make my week. I know what it feels like to find cool Atari games in the wild. In fact today was one of those days as noted in my other thread. Forgot to mention that I also picked up River Raid II with instructions for 8 dollars at the first thrift store I went to. :)

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