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pics of the company's headquarters


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I have a video tape that Larry Kaplan sent to me sometime back, of him doing an walk around tour of the insides of Activision's first headquarters. It's not much really. If I recall correctly, I think he shot it the 1st or 2nd day of the Co. opening.


"It's pretty goofy." There's some interestinfg footage of DC trying to show SC how to program. Alan and Jim chatting a bit and goofing around.


I've also asked Drew at Barking Lizards to send me pics he took of the old Games By Apollo building. I never got them, but I'm sure if I nagged hime enough, I could get 'em.


From what I recall him saying, it wasn't much of a building. That it was in a pretty "Industrial"-type area.

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was it in VH1, they had a special about video games, and when nolan it's talking they show video and pictures of the inside of atari hq... pretty crazy, I think they really had a jacuzzi pool and everything, I wish they re run it so I can tape it, well tivo it :P

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The building is the same as the Midway building. I have some pictures from when I was doing interviews for Arcade Party Pak also.


It felt good to see an honest to goodness fuji logo on the outside of that building, but I had the feeling even then that it wasn't going to last, even though Eugene Jarvis was optimistic about the future of coinop when pressed.

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