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Was it release on cart or disk?


TurboBasic XL by Frank Ostrowski was initially released as a type-in (!) in a german computer magazine (Happy Computer). Later you could buy the program on disk from the publisher of that magazine. Many hacks have been made by users: I have a 600XL where TurboBasic XL is built in, for example.


A compiler for TurboBasic XL and a version for 400/800 computers is available somewhere as well.




Btw., Frank Ostrowski is the author of GfA-Basic for Atari ST also.

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Here you are:

http://jsobola.republika.pl/schematy.htm -schemaytics and ROM for cartridge version;

http://people.freenet.de/mrbacardi/Turbobas.zip -TB i TB compiler from Mr. Bacardi homepage ;) ;


Manuals in pdf format: http://www.tmeyer.de/atari/turbobasicxl.html (german language);

Manual (in polish), part II (part I in other archive number):


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