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Lord Thag

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First off, a big hello to y'all! Or a small one. Dunno. Not sure how big a hello actually is. Probably llama-sized, I'd guess..... :P


Anyway, I've been lurking around here on and off for years. I've been collecting Atari since I got a 2600 and 13(!) games back in 82. Thank you fire sale! I'm particularly partial to Activision and Imagic (who isn't), and have amassed a collection of over 300 VCS games, as well as a nice chunk of 5200 and 7800 titles, as well as some Odyssey2 and Colecovision stuff. Don't even ask about the NES.


Which brings me to the point (I have one, really!) Do any of you notice that, the bigger your collection gets, the harder it seems to actually pick out a title and play it? It's not that I don't enjoy my games anymore -far from it-, but it just seems harder to actually pick one and give it the time it deserves when 400+ other titles are staring back at me from the shelf. Any of you have this problem? Anyone have a cure? Or should I just give in, go nuts, and listen to the purple monkey on my shoulder telling me to buy fruit? ;)


Cheers! :D

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First off, a big hello to y'all! Or a small one. Dunno. Not sure how big a hello actually is. Probably llama-sized, I'd guess.....  :P


Anyway, I've been lurking around here on and off for years. I've been collecting Atari since I got a 2600 and 13(!) games back in 82. Thank you fire sale!  I'm particularly partial to Activision and Imagic (who isn't), and have amassed a collection of over 300 VCS games, as well as a nice chunk of 5200 and 7800 titles, as well as some Odyssey2 and Colecovision stuff. Don't even ask about the NES.  


Which brings me to the point (I have one, really!)  Do any of you notice that, the bigger your collection gets, the harder it seems to actually pick out a title and play it? It's not that I don't enjoy my games anymore -far from it-, but it just seems harder to actually pick one and give it the time it deserves when 400+ other titles are staring back at me from the shelf. Any of you have this problem? Anyone have a cure? Or should I just give in, go nuts, and listen to the purple monkey on my shoulder telling me to buy fruit? ;)


Cheers! :D


I say, listen to the purple monkey. :ponder:


Welcome to the surface. :D

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I think it has a lot to do with how you have them displayed. I've always loved my games, but there was a period of time when I had to have them all boxed up. Out of sight, out of mind... I never played them.


Then I started putting them on display... taking advantage of shelving... making them look sexy. Now I'm playing 'em again.


I make sure that the games I just "collect" are behind the ones I actually play.

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First off, welcome to the forums!


Yes, games become harder and harder to pick to play, I am about 230ish titles, so yeah. To be quite honest, I usually leave it up to the High score club to figure out what I want to play.


If the HSC doesn't suit you, then listen to the purple monkey, he knows all. :D

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I rarely play my actual games anymore. I play the emulated versions on my PC now that I have a good controller. It's not too hard to pick a game either way though. Just grab one you're in the mood for. If you're not in any kind of mood, your soul has left your body and you'll be dead soon, so I wouldn't worry about it.

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I guess I'm lucky then. I started my collection just last week so I don't have collectionitis. Although the purple monkey does seem to have some sound advise. Fruit is good. Especially persimmons and pomegranates :ponder: .


Moral of the story: Don't listen to what the jealous cartridges say and play a nice game of Frogs and Flies. Especially with some pineapple :roll: .

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First off, a big hello to y'all! Or a small one. Dunno. Not sure how big a hello actually is. Probably llama-sized, I'd guess.....  :P


Anyway, I've been lurking around here on and off for years. I've been collecting Atari since I got a 2600 and 13(!) games back in 82. Thank you fire sale!  I'm particularly partial to Activision and Imagic (who isn't), and have amassed a collection of over 300 VCS games, as well as a nice chunk of 5200 and 7800 titles, as well as some Odyssey2 and Colecovision stuff. Don't even ask about the NES.  


Which brings me to the point (I have one, really!)  Do any of you notice that, the bigger your collection gets, the harder it seems to actually pick out a title and play it? It's not that I don't enjoy my games anymore -far from it-, but it just seems harder to actually pick one and give it the time it deserves when 400+ other titles are staring back at me from the shelf. Any of you have this problem? Anyone have a cure? Or should I just give in, go nuts, and listen to the purple monkey on my shoulder telling me to buy fruit? ;)


Cheers! :D


I say, listen to the purple monkey. :ponder:


Welcome to the surface. :D


Ok, I'm thinking if he is talking to a purple monkey on his shoulder this fellow is definetly NOT on or above the surface. I'd say he's WAAAAAAYYYY under it! :D


Nonetheless welcome LT. There is no cure. Go with it.

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Hello to All. I just recently came across this site and am thrilled that there are still enthusiastic Atari 2600 collectors out there. My collection consists of over 600 games. It has been a while since I have purchased any other games.They become much harder as the collection grows. I have never came across "Eli's Ladder". Good luck to all the collectors. :)

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I'm in the 200 cart range myself, but none of the games are neglected for long. I play all of them at some point in the year with the possible exception of Sneak n' Peak(worst game ever canidate). Then there are the games that never leave the deck of my 2600(or right beside it ;) ) :Frankenstein's Monster, BMX, Beamrider, Star Wars Arcade, Death Star Battle, Frogger, Rescue Terra I, H.E.R.O, ghost manor, Beamrider, Ice Hockey, xenophobe, and both Pitfall games. I don't shelve these games, because I likely will want to play them again at some point during the week. :)

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Yes, I have the same problem. I'm approaching 400 unique of nearly 600 carts, and frankly, looking at them all lined up (when I have all the boxes out to add some new ones or rearrange them to fit better) it gets to be a little bewildering as to what I might want to play. I mean, there are a lot of good choices, but I suppose it depends on the mood I'm in. I usually pick from my favourites and give a few some play time now and then.

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Well, when the purple monkey isn't distracting me, I usually pick two or three games to focus on (usually at random) and just go with it. One of the perks of having so many games is that you kind of get to 're-discover' games you haven't played in awhile. It's almost as good as actually finding some new carts in the wild. I popped in crystal castles awhile back and it was like 'yikes, I forgot how fun this was'. Ditto Berzerk, which got instantly moived over to the 'why the hell am I not playing this!?' stack. I have found that I tend not to play a single game quite as long though. Ten years ago, I'd sit and play a single game for hours. Now, seeing that I have a vast pile of atari stuff that has consumed my soul, as well as the afore-mentioned annoying purple monkey, I tend to play three or four games in the same amount of time. Lately it's been HERO and Jawbreaker.


Anyways, nice meeting you all! Good to know that ther are other luna... err enthusisats out there with the same condition. I hear the only cure is a nice long River Patrol followed by a relaxing vacation in an, ah, Air Raid shelter ;)

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