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I got a mystery game!


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Last week I put a bid on a 'mystery' cart on Ebay UK, an Activision cart with no lable. I didn't hold out much hope for it, I thought I'd be lucky if it worked, but I put in the minimum bid of 99 pence and I won. It arived today and not only does it work, it's a great game that I dont already own!

Yep, I got Pitfall!

Not exactly rare I know, but I havent picked it up anywhere else yet and it'll do me fine, being as I mainly collect to play. In my limited experience, Ativision carts are the least reliable, nearly all my Acti carts require a bit of hows your father to get them going, usually taking much of the old 'magic' blowing on the contacts and rapid on and of switching to get any life, but this one works every time.

I've no idea how it could have come to lose it's lable, theres no gunk or papery bits left on the cart that would suggest any kind of accidental tear off, and the PCB is mint, no one has tried to repair it. I guess the seller knew what it was and was hoping for a higer bid because of the novelty, allthough ironically I would have probably bid more had I known what it was, cos Pitfall goes for more than your average common cart usually.


Heh, that was fun, I'd definately buy a mystery cart again. Anyone else ever done this and got something good?

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I think I said this before, but if you take any PB cart, remove the label and then plug it into an Atari 2600, it will be Frogger...


It is one of those sweet mysteries of life.  :love:


I definently believe that now. :wink: But even still I keep hoping that one day instead of being Frogger it will be something like Star Wars the Arcade Game or something else I don't have yet. :D

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I think I said this before, but if you take any PB cart, remove the label and then plug it into an Atari 2600, it will be Frogger..


lol... of the 15 cartridges that I have owned for 20+ years (all that's left from my original collection), I have *one* cart without a label. Sure enough, it's Frogger :)

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I barely drink the tap water here in Kingston little alone some hotel in the tropics. Our sewage system is quite antiquated unfortunately so the municipality ends up dumping alot of it in Lake Ontario. We get something similar to Montezuma's Revenge here... It's called Zebra Mussle Breath.


Mystery carts are always fun. You never know what you will end up with. I have always played the mystery cart game at flea markets ever since I scored Montezuma's Revenge a few years back.

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I think I said this before, but if you take any PB cart, remove the label and then plug it into an Atari 2600, it will be Frogger...


It is one of those sweet mysteries of life.  :love:


That's funny. The only unlabled PB cart that I have turned out to be Tutankham. I was certain it was going to be Frogger up to the moment I actually tried it out. Hardly a rare cart, but I did't already have it and I had PLENTY of Froggers!



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I think many mystery cart are PB ones since it seems like the glue holding the labels just isn't that effective. I have several other PB games where the labels barely hold on as well (fortunately, they are not Frogger carts). I suppose I should break out the super glue and make sure they stay on there!


Even though I have been cursed three times with this Frogger cart showing up and haunting me I still will probably buy mystey carts anyways, hoping for the day that it is something I don't already have, like MR, Popeye or even SpiderMan. This is why it would be useful to have a portable 2600. That way when you are visiting the thrift store you can just throw the mystery cart in there and not waste your time on those bloody Frogger carts! :x


Then again, there always is the slight possibility of it being a Frogger 2 cart instead. I hadn't thought of that before. :ponder:

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