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Appended to this message is another "approach" conversion...

Can anyone explain why it reminds me of "Nutbush City Limits" ?


It's named "Boing" because the bass sounds like a "boing" in RMT. But listen for yourself in A800win 4, please.


What do you think about it on the real hardware?

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Emkay do you have a sample of city limits?




I'm glad you emphasized using version 4of the emulator. I figured I had the latest release (3.1) and played your tune. I began to worry that you ate some bad shrooms. :P


I never stayed on the news page long enough to see the Beta realeases. Wow! what an improvement. And my windows redraw is 100 x's better. Thanks!


Now the music sounds cool. :music:



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IMO, It sounds even better on the actual hardware. I have an Atari 65XE with a 5 pin DIN to RCA cable plugged into a Commodore 1702 monitor. (mono audio). The base line has more punch and depth to it on the Hardware. The speed & (pitch for the higher notes) is pretty accurate between the emulator and my hardware. The effects and multiple voices seem to blend better on the actual Hardware. I don't know how to explain it, Except to say it sounds more like one piece of music, whereas the emulator the parts sound seperate of eachother. Does that make any sense?



To be fair, I had the emulator playing through my laptops internal speakers and then a pair of stereo speakers, No extra equalization or subwoofer. Perhaps I could tweak my emulator sound settings.



When I coupled the Audio form the hardware to my PC speakers it truly sounded awesome.


Also playing around, I timed the emulator to run a few bars behind the hardware, and it sounded really interesting. The new emulator is definately in tune with the hardware.

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I didn't accurately count what measure it's in (maybe the 17th) after the intro - there is note/tone that is held while the drum/bass line starts kicking in that seems to clash. The note just seems like it was stuck from the previous melody and hangs there unitl that channel for the mid range melody is used again. Would it be possible to bring that notes pitch/volume down, distort it in some other way, or have it bounce between a few notes.


I might be just sensitive to it because I used to have a casio keyboard that a certain key would get stuck while playing. And it reminded me of that. :D


Over all I really like the composition, and I think it delivers th feel you were trying to convey.



Bear in mind, I am no composer. So take my advice with a grain of salt. I think I understand the effect you are going for, and it probably fits with what you were thinking.



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last reply. The same note sounded a lot better later on in in the piece whenit wasn't just held but yet played and relaease in a rythmic fashion with the bass/drum track. Could the held down note pause for a little when the bass line gets kicking and sart a samml bit later so it doesn't appear to be a leftover note from the previous melody.



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last reply. The same note sounded a lot better later on in in the piece whenit wasn't just held but yet played and relaease in a rythmic fashion with the bass/drum track. Could the held down note pause for a little when the bass line gets kicking and sart a samml bit later so it doesn't appear to be a leftover note from the previous melody.




It's actually what I did/tested already. But it doesn't work on the emulator.

What you hear is a timing issue, which is not a "real hardware" problem.


Have you recognized the MP3 that I have uploaded to the "...ears..." thread?


(it's 516K)




It shows, how stable the drums can sound. But there are too heavy differences between the RMT emulation, and how it should sound on the real hardware.

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Thanks Emkay, I wasn't aware of the other thread.


It's obvious that the music emulation is better than it was in 3.1.

I don't know if I am just prejudiced to the "real Hardware" but it just sounds better to me.


Great composition by the way. After looping it for the past hour, I can't get it out of my head.



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