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Games We Grew Up With on HGTV


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Four square is played in a big 2x2 square with kids in each of the four boxes.  You take a kickball type of ball and you have to bounce it in one of the other player's box.  That's about all I remember, I know you had to push the ball because you couldn't pick it up but I can't recall the scoring system right now.


Ok, that hurt my head trying to remember all that.  Google is much easier :)





Yeah that is pretty much it, but I do not remember the serve rules being as complicated.

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I remember Dodgeball... one of the best games EVAR. And so many potential variations... good times, good times.


It's a shame that in today's climate of PC overprotectiveness that there will be entire generations of children that never experience the thrill and humiliation of competitive dodgeball in a school gym. It makes a part of my heart sob delicately.


I think I should invent a dodgeball scheme that'll work in today's pussified world, while still maintaining that getting hit with a speeding ball flavor.

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I remember Dodgeball... one of the best games EVAR.  And so many potential variations... good times, good times.


I agree they should have a show dedicated to the mean and tough games of yesteryear :)


One game we used to played in middle school in Texas we called Wallball. It was half handball, half dodgeball, and pretty nasty. You'd take a tennis ball or a racquetball and throw it hard against the wall. The other people on the court around 10 or so kids would catch the ball if it came near them. If the ball hit them without them catching it or if they tried to catch it but dropped it then they had to run as fast as possible to touch the wall infront of them. Why as fast as possible? Because the other players are trying to pick up the ball and hit the guy who dropped it as hard as possible before he makes it to the wall.


If someone got hit three separate times during a gaming session without making it to the wall then there was a punishment mini-game. That kid had to kneel-down against the wall, kind of duck and cover style and the other kids got in line about 30 or 40 feet away and got to throw one ball at the kid, kinda stung if you got hit which wasn't too often because people tried to overthrow. No idea why we liked this game or where the rules are from but shows you the difference in eras and the PC-police would have shut us down in two seconds these days :D

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And yes we played this game at school in front of adult supervision. Gotta love the early 80's :D


Do kids play "Smear the Queer" anymore? Besides the non-PC name, it was usually pretty violent too. Take 6 to 20 kids, punt a football high into the air, the kid that catches has to avoid everyone else for as long as possible. Everyone else is looking to tackle the guy with the ball. Once tackled, you repeat. Fun times :)

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Army Dodgeball was goooood stuff.


I always felt bad for the guy that lost two limbs in the first barrage, heh. Hopping on one foot, trying to catch a ball with his one arm, and fumbling it, and in turn just... hopping... for another few seconds.

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