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Atari 2600 sound fx on Enterprise???


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I was watching Enterprise the other night and....you know that part at the end where they show clips of next week's show? Well, at one point they showed a targetting reticle moving toward the Enterprise...


...and the sound effect sounded just like when Mario walks in the Atari 2600 version of Donkey Kong.


Did anyone else catch this?

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Enterprise.... that show is such a disgrace, I'm surprised Gene Roddenbery hasn't risen from his grave to lay the smack down on the producers and writers of that mess....


the timeline is so out of wack, they've got technology on that bridge that wasn't even in STNG for crying out loud and they make it all like they are flying around with stones and bear skins in space...


the time travelling race they encounters is total BS too as it was never mentioned in any earlier shows, I liked the idea of the first episode with the Klingon and the first encounter with the Andorians was pretty good, but so little else about that show really is worth it other then seeing the vulcan woman half naked in occassional episodes...


They should've called it quits with Voyager.




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Now that we're on an Enterprise bashing binge, why not pick on the other 2 dogs that came out after next Generation? The show about the floating highway rest stop that was so weak they had to create a war and drag old popular characters (ie Worf) in to try and bait viewers was a smash huh?

Voyager...another beuat. Did anyone actually watch that show with the sound on? One episode of Captain whine-ways voice and I couldnt stand another! I see that show was about as exciting as a fart in a church just like Deep Aamco 9 to the point they had to make the borg regular characters towards the (thankful) end.

Oh, dont get me wrong....Enterprise is the final insult. I tried getting into this one like I did the previously mentioned 2. This one held my interest a bit longer, being it did involve a ship called Eneteprise. Sadly, that kept me interested for slightly longer than the first 2 shows, which is longer that I should have wasted on it.

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Now that we're on an Enterprise bashing binge,  why not pick on the other 2 dogs that came out after next Generation?  The show about the floating highway rest stop that was so weak they had to create a war and drag old popular characters (ie Worf) in to try and bait viewers was a smash huh?

Voyager...another beuat.   Did anyone actually watch that show with the sound on?  One episode of Captain whine-ways voice and I couldnt stand another!  I see that show was about as exciting as a fart in a church just like Deep Aamco 9 to the point they had to make the borg regular characters towards the (thankful) end.

Oh, dont get me wrong....Enterprise is the final insult.  I tried getting into this one like I did the previously mentioned 2.  This one held my interest a bit longer, being it did involve a ship called Eneteprise.  Sadly, that kept me interested for slightly longer than the first 2 shows, which is longer that I should have wasted on it.

I watched those shows but only liked the episodes listed below:


Star Trek: Deep Space 9


Whispers (season 2, number 434)

O'Brien returns from a mission to find everyone has turned against him.


Shadowplay (season 2, number 436)

Odo and Dax try to solve the mystery of an alien planet whose inhabitants are disappearing without explanation.


Visionary (season 3, number 463)

O'Brien is able to shift a few hours into the future, and is able to prevent the station's destruction.


The Visitor (season 4, number 476)

When a tragic accident causes Sisko to vanish before his son's eyes, young Jake begins a life-long obsession to bring him back.


Trials and Tribble-ations (season 5, number 503)

The crew travel back in time to save Captain Kirk.


Far Beyond the Stars (season 6, number 538)

Is Sisko really Sisko or is he Benny Russell, a writer in the 1950's?


Image in the Sand (season 7, number 551)

Sisko sees a vision of his real mother and Ezri Dax arrives.


Shadows and Symbols (season 7, number 552)

Sisko and crew go to Tyree to search for the orb. But, is Sisko there or is he really Benny Russell in a mental hospital?



Star Trek: Voyager


Deadlock (season 2, number 837)

A space anomaly generates a duplicate Voyager and crew, but only one ship can survive an assault by Vidiian invaders.


Future's End (season 3, number 850/851)

Voyager gets sucked through a rift and winds up in orbit around Earth in 1996. They must stop an explosion that will obliterate Earth's solar system in the 29th-century. The Doctor acquires a 29th-century mobile holo-emitter,

freeing him from the confines of Sickbay.


Coda (season 3, number 858)

Is Janeway dead, in a time loop, or in another dimension?


Scientific Method (season 4, number 875)

Seven and The Doctor discover that the crew's illnesses are because of aliens out-of-phase with the ship are experimenting on them.


Timeless (season 5, number 901)

Fifteen years after causing the destruction of Voyager, Harry Kim attempts to rewrite history.


Latent Image (season 5, number 906)

Someone is trying to keep the Doctor from remembering the incidents surrounding a crewmember's death.


Course: Oblivion (season 5, number 913)

The crew's molecular structure starts breaking down and they make a startling discovery about their true identities.


Relativity (season 5, number 918)

The timeship Relativity, captained by Braxton tries to stop Voyager from being destroyed, enlisting the help of Seven of Nine.


Pathfinder (season 6, number 930)

Addicted to his holo-Voyager crew, Barclay becomes obsessed with contacting the real Voyager.


Blink of an Eye (season 6, number 933)

Voyager gets trapped in orbit around a strange planet where a day is the same as a second on Voyager. The presence of Voyager causes quakes and the inhabitants go from worship to war.


Spirit Folk (season 6, number 937)

Problems arise when Voyager runs a holodeck program non-stop. The Characters of Fair Haven become suspicious of the Voyager crew when they begin to notice strange, otherworldly happenings.

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I think this is the last season of Enterprise. It took me a while to get adjusted to each version of the show, but I liked certain things about each one. I watch every episode faithfully and when there's no Star Trek on television, I'll be having withdrawal symtoms! :wink: I'm sorry there are so many that don't like the show. :sad:

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Three words sum up the ever worsening of all things Trek. Those three words are Berman, Braga, and Paramount. Any originality or charm the show(s) may have had were bled out of them years ago. At this point, I think the world is ready for an entirely new fictional universe. Failing that, leave Trek completely alone for at least five years. At the end of that time, bring in completely new writers, actors and producers. It wouldn't hurt to use some of the best plots from modern sci-fi or even bring those authors in to be the writers. It isn't as though that strategy hasn't worked before.


While were at it, let's move it to the pay channels. If it has to stay on a major network or Paramount, it will be dumbed back down to a T&A deus-ex-machina-time-travel-holodeck-screwup-rehashed-plot-of-the-week. [/i]

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...and the sound effect sounded just like when Mario walks in the Atari 2600 version of Donkey Kong.


Did anyone else catch this?


I did. I'll join you in being one of the last few watching Enterprise. While it generally hasn't been on a par with previous incarnations of Star Trek, this season has had some rather interesting arcs, particularly the one going on now that highlights changes in Vulcan society.


Why a targeting computer would make 2600 sounds is anyone's guess. :)

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I did not notice the 2600 sound effect, but this season's stories have been quite interesting compared to the general crappy crappy crap crap that prior seasons delivered. The Xindi arc should have lasted half as long but lasted last year's entire season.


This year, however, the first 3-part episode had Brent Spiner playing "Data's creator Dr.Soong's" ancestor and I (and my 1 Enterprise-watching friend -- pickin's are slim to find Enterprise-watching friends) felt it was pretty great stuff. It tied in with (gasp!) actual Star Trek lore and didn't fumble. This latest Vulcan storyline is also rather interesting, explaining more of Vulcan's checkered past. And any episode with Andorians is a pleasant surprise. And a major recurring player was killed off, that was a surprise.

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I've missed the new season. I wasn't even aware that it had started already. I usually work on Friday, but I was almost always off on Wendsday. I just don't get the chance to watch it.


I still say Enterprise is much better than Voyager, at least. Enterprise has much better characters and scripts. Voyager's cast was pretty much uninteresting to me, except the Doctor. And Voyager's scripts just weren't that good. The ideas behind Voyager were sound, like a Federation ship being thrown across the galaxy along with the crew of an enemy ship, but they had to wimp the show down. Instead of a group of Maquis joining the crew, why not a group of Romulans? That would have been better. Maybe, at some point kill off Captain Janeway (please!) and the Romulan Captain having to take over. That would have made some good character interaction. But instead, the Maquis and Starfleet guys got along happily ever after, and the characters barely developed. Yawn.

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heck i guess im one of the few, because I -LIKE- enterprise, and I've been watching it from the start. I really like the current vulcan story line. It is annoying that you just have to ask yourself, if all this stuff happened with enterprise and vulcan before, you'd think spock would mention it at some point in TOS...

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I have watched Enterprise periodically and saw all of last season with the whole Xindi story arc. This show has really taken a lot of liberties with the Trek universe, and I'm disgusted by the whole "Temporal War" business. And they sure cleaned that up nicely with a single episode at the beginning of this season. Star Trek uses time travel as a plot device far too often. I'm willing to ignore most technobabble, but abuse of time (whether it's in Star Trek or other shows/movies) irks me for some reason. I'm also not fond of transporters, but have come to accept them (Stargate also uses them frequently).


As for the ship, yes, it looks much more modern than the original Enterprise, but I'm willing to accept that. I'm glad they didn't "dumb it down" to look technlogically inferior to the original ship, which I think would have been a bad idea. The ship NEEDS to look at least as or more modern than technology today. That was true of the first Enterprise ship in the late 60s, and is true of Enterprise in this new century.


I never really got into Voyager, I think that's the poorest of the Trek franchises (not that many people will argue). Never caught the last several seasons of Deep Space Nine, which I thought was pretty damn boring early on. I understand it did improve, though. By that time I had gotten into Babylon 5, which pulled me in much more so than any Trek television show has ever done.



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By that time I had gotten into Babylon 5, which pulled me in much more so than any Trek television show has ever done.

Yup, Babylon 5 is still the best scifi series ever!

Babylon 5 is good, but Farscape is better. :D


If I were to rank the ST series from best to worst, I'd list them as follows:


Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek

Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


I'm not a huge fane of the ST saga, but I think DSN is even worse than Enterprise which is also weak. Minus The Next Generation, they should have let the series end.

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Hi there!


Yup, Babylon 5 is still the best scifi series ever!


Hm... hehe... while I usually prefer "modern" SCI-FI movies over the classics, I'd prefer seeing a classic Flash Gordon / Buck Rogers episode any time over this modern stuff... Best of Best though is UFO! :D




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Well I'm happy to see that other people caught that as well. I did a double-take when I heard that I was just like "why are they using 2600 sounds on this clip?" Perhaps Paramount is scrapping for cash and they figured that a 2600 works great for computer noises? :ponder:


As for Enterprise, I'm one of the few people that enjoys it a lot. And I'd consider myself quite the Trekkie, I've watched every series they've made rather faithfully and for some reason I enjoy Enterprise in some ways than I did Voyager and DS9. I like the story-lines they've been making, even though they have been a little heavy on time travel (who wants to bet tha tif they make another series it will probably involve some crew from the 29th century out to save the timeline.) This newest season so far has been the best one for Enterprise and I hope it continues to build on that.

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I noticed it too but since I'm the only Trekkie and Atari fan of my friends I had no one to share it with. :)


As for the show: it's gotten better after the Xindi arc...back to Klingons, Andorians, Vulcans (this three-parter is cool so far), "Augments" (genetically-enhanced people...they even dropped Khan's name), etc.



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Oh...and to follow up: ST:DS9 is my favorite Trek. Sorry, had to say it. It took a season or two to get going but it played out very well.


The Dominion war had all the facets of war, not just the big kaboom battle stuff (but that was cool, too). Later episodes rarely had status quo "well, it's 54 after the hour...let's reset the plot" endings but the characters had to deal with consequences and such. Fairly nice handling of spirituality throughout (Sisko started calling them "wormhole aliens" but used "prophets" towards the end of the show). Some real character growth. Multiple-part story arcs that shifted power balances on several occasions.


I'm re-watching all of Babylon 5 these days. It's excellent too. :)



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I totally love Enterprise. It took longer for the characters to grow on me than the previous Trek series, but I'm really into it now. The current season has really drawn me in. They seem to be learning from what was wrong with the previous seasons. I've been very much enjoying the tie ins with Trek lore this season, and the three episode story arcs seem just about the right length after the full season Xindi arc.


Most hard core Trekkies are just too damn hard to please. Enterprise is a highly entertaining series if you just try not to act like the Comic Store Guy from The Simpsons. ;)



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. . . Trekkies. . .

Did you mean Trekkies or Trekkers?




I expect any show I watch to make at least a little sense. Better acting wouldn't hurt either. If you make a show that is supposed to be before the first series, don't make it look similar to the Next Generation world. If you must do that, then pull a Lucas and update the look of the original series so it matches. I'm sure the new DVDs would sell.

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. . . Trekkies. . .

Did you mean Trekkies or Trekkers?




I expect any show I watch to make at least a little sense. Better acting wouldn't hurt either. If you make a show that is supposed to be before the first series, don't make it look similar to the Next Generation world. If you must do that, then pull a Lucas and update the look of the original series so it matches. I'm sure the new DVDs would sell.


That was a pretty entertaining explanation. I would most certainly be a Trekkie and not a Trekker. :P


Redoing the old series would be interesting but everyone would probably end up hating it because 'they tampered with it'. I figure that if they had the technology and ideas at the time the original series Enterprise would have turned out to be much more advanced than the NX-01. I just don't really care that much about it. I like how they are basically introducing a lot of elements into the Star Trek universe that give it a beginning, whereas before it was just mentioned in a couple of lines. I guess we'll see how it goes from here.

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