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Atari 2600 sound fx on Enterprise???


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. . . Trekkies. . .

Did you mean Trekkies or Trekkers?





Good stuff. I have long ago arrived at a similar conclusion. I stand corrected and I did indeed mean Trekkers.


FWIW, I watched the original ST on a B&W television too. 8)



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DS9 was the best Trek ever.

Babylon 5 is overrated.

And Stargate: SG-1 has been the best sci-fi on the air for years.


I'd like to watch the later seasons of DS9 so I can develop a more informed opinion of the show. But I'm not going to pay the ridiculous prices Viacom charges for Star Trek DVDs to watch it that way, so I'll have to look for it in syndication. I do agree that some Babylon 5 fans elevate the show on too high a pedestal, but I believe B5 helped raise the bar for science fiction shows. And I'm a big fan of Stargate: SG-1 and looking forward to new episodes in January (as well as for Stargate: Atlantis, but I'm not sure yet if I'm going to like Atlantis as much as I do SG1).



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I wasnt really feeling Enterprise in the first season. It wasnt until close to the end of last season that it really got my attention. This season is definitly working, the 2/3 part story lines are good.


DS9 I actually watched that show faithfully. I liked everything about it, plus it was a little different than the others. *They should have done a spin off series all about the Jem Hadar.


Next Generation I definitly watched because it was the first in years.


The Original series...Nothing compares! It was new, it was fresh, and will allways be on the top of my list.



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I don't know if this has been said,


But I think everyone here agrees with me when I say,




The end, thank you for listening.


Here's a true story for you:

My buddy Glenn Greenberg used to write Star Trek comic books for Marvel, and he did a limited series that covered the years of a second 5-year mission with the original cast. Each issue focused on a different main character, so he had one that focused on Sulu.


So right around then, he goes to a comics convention to do some promotion and, lo and behold, he winds up in an elevator with George Takei, who's there paying the rent by doing autographs. They mildly chit-chat, and of course, Glenn tells Takei, "Hey, I just wrote a comic where Sulu is the main character."


So Takei's eyes light up and he says, "Oh? You're writing a story about Captain Sulu?"


"Yeah, but he's not a captain in my story." Takei gives him a look and says, "Well, you know, I am a captain now," and starts telling how he'd been lobbying for a promotion to Captain since the second movie and it didn't finally happen until the sixth one. Glenn shrugs and tries to explain that the story takes place BEFORE he became a captain, that it shows a younger Sulu learning what it takes to command a ship.


So Takei asks him, "Well, do I become a captain by the end of the story?" Glenn patiently states the obvious again: "No, it's a younger Sulu, so it takes place years before the second movie."


The elevator stops, Takei steps off, turns around and as the door closes, says, "Well, who wants to read that? I'm a Captain now!" :roll:


Well, anyway, to put in a plug for my pal, Glenn has a new Star Trek e-book out that I'm halfway through so far, called "The Art of the Deal." It doesn't feature Sulu :D but you can check it out here on Amazon.

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Interesting story. He really, really, really wanted to be a Captain :D


It looks like he got his final wish in Star Trek: Shattered Universe. A whole game based on an adventure where you follow Captain Sulu in the alternate universe.


Speaking of that universe, they haven't done one of those on Enterprise yet, have they (I missed out on the first two seasons as I was out of the country at the time)?

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Hey now, let's not get nasty. Enterprise has turned into the best Trek series since DS9. If you haven't watched it lately you should.


And, on the original topic, I've heard a couple Atari and arcade sounds snuck into various TV shows. Somtimes the sound effects used in the previews are different than in the actual episodes. I'll listen for the anything familiar on Friday.

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Hey now, let's not get nasty. Enterprise has turned into the best Trek series since DS9. If you haven't watched it lately you should.

I try to watch about two episodes a year if I can. I tried to watch when that 'Data' dude was on, but our local station favors sports. They move the show around without notice, so screw it. I'll watch the show one day 10 or 20 years from now on DVD (or whatever we're using then).

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I think this is the last season of Enterprise.  It took me a while to get adjusted to each version of the show, but I liked certain things about each one.  I watch every episode faithfully and when there's no Star Trek on television, I'll be having withdrawal symtoms! :wink:   I'm sorry there are so many that don't like the show. :sad:


That's what Paramount has been counting on, enough people out there who will watch anything "Trek" and who play apologist for all of the flaws.


You know, after 40 years people forget what Trek was really about.


Trek was a SHOW first. There was no concept of "Trek". It had to entertain, it had to move the plot along, it had to move people, it had to be stylish, it had to be more than just technobabble and overt morality plays. That's why Kirk would moralize one moment and set phasers to kill or bed an alien the next. It was full of contradictions but that's what made it great.


All shows after TOS were too concerned with being "Trek" and not being entertaining. And the idea of Trek that the Brannon, Braga, etc.. crew have is a decidedly BORING one. [i'm sorry to say that Gene himself started the ship sinking by making the future society TOO utopian and the technology TOO advanced which removed too much opportunity for internal conflict and danger to the crew. At its worst, TNG approached a boring philosophy class the way they would sit in the ready room and talk talk talk endlessly about how to be as politically correct as possible. I'd rather have Scotty telling Kirk the ship "canna take any more of this" over that.]


Never is this more apparent when you compare the scoring of TNG onwards to TOS. TOS scores were bold and in-your-face. TNG scores are almost inaudible and inconsequential. During phaser battles the droning never rises to the occasion.


I've read that this is a direct order to downplay the music, and it has an effect of dampening what little excitement the usual hour of post-TOS Trek has, and reducing any empathy you have for characters.


All post-TOS Trek, and that includes TOS, has had very few moments that approach the high drama of something like the moment where Edith Keeler gets run over in "City on the Edge of Forever", and that's just one of TOS' many many highlight moments.


The only thing (for TV Trek) that I think compares the best of TOS was Picard playing the flute in the epilogue of "The Inner Light", although "All Good Things" has some good moments too.



Since we now have entire generations of people who grew up with TNG or later, the bar has been considerably lowered as to what to expect from Trek. But as someone who grew up with TOS reruns, I think that everything post TOS is an order of magnitude inferior.



I too was hoping that Enterprise would be a retro show in the vein of the DS9 tribbles episode. The production design sucks and the captian should have been April, according to canon.


They had a chance to revisit the TOS universe with modern special effects and they chose to make it look more like TNG.


A complete missed opportunity.

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