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High Score Club Week 33: Asteroids


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Whew, the boulder just missed colliding with the Cosmic Spacecraft, but suddenly the Cosmic Space Patrol find themselves surrounded by thousands of the deadly asteroids. The Cosmic Space Patrol must act quickly to save their spacecraft and spare their lives. The spacecraft is equipped with photon torpedoes, hyperspace, shields, and flip control. Could you do as good a job as the Cosmic Space Patrol and defend off the Asteroids?


Game Information
Left Difficulty A - UFO's
Right Difficulty Not used
Game Mode Game 4 - Fast Asteroids, 10k for a Extra Life
Chosen By Cybergoth


Post your scores right here in this thread, and I will add them to the list. Remember to play the game with the recommended game mode and difficulty settings as shown above so that your scores will be consistent with everyone elses. The deadline for posting scores will be approximately Sunday, December 5th at midnight (CST). In case you haven't already done so, please read the High Score Club rules. There is other useful information contained in that previous link, including a list of previous High Score Club games!


If you don't have a copy of this game, you can find the ROM at the AtariAge Profile Page for this game. You can also find such things as a typed copy of the manual, reviews, screenshots, and other information at that link.


If you are not a member of the High Score Club, but would like to be, then all you have to do is post a reply saying so, and I'll add you to the list!


Next week's game will be chosen by lost child Please send me a Private Message letting me know which game (and difficulty settings) you've chosen as soon as possible, lost child!


High Scores
[*]silverfuji.gif84,440 (keilbaca) +10
[*]bronzefuji.gif61,830 (tin) +8
[*]57,710 (Fellow Atari Man) +7
[*]56,750 (Christophero Sly) +6
[*]49,510 (Thomas Jentzsch) +5
[*]49,230 (no attack) +4
[*]27,710 (Goochman) +3
[*]26,140 (LarcenTyler) +2
[*]25,630 (Cybergoth) +1
[*]24,220 (Blackjack)
[*]23,200 (Keir)
[*]21,920 (filmjax)
[*]15,410 (Malc74)
[*]3,870 (Dan Iacovelli)
  • :
    (Default Settings)
    • 10,004,100(Mike K Morrow)
      [*]4,210,000 (Todd Rogers)
      [*]1,601,620(A. Keith Kruegar)

Best Tips:

Score Statistics


Current Standings
[*]the 5th ghost [193]
[*]Jeffy Arensmeyer [167]
[*]keilbaca [161]
[*]sku_u [129]
[*]Ze_ro [99]
[*]jedijeff [80]
[*]Malc74 [72]
[*]Fellow Atari Man [57]
[*]Keir [51]
[*]bobafett07728 [51]
[*]Saldo [49]
[*]Stingray [48]
[*]Chris++ [44]
[*]Goochman [40]
[*]tin [35]
[*]no attack [32]
[*]Shannon [32]
[*]bjk7382 [29]
[*]Robert M [29]
[*]gospeedde [26]
[*]khryssun [25]
[*]elviticus [24]
[*]KaeruYojimbo [24]
[*]stayrunner [24]
[*]cuteycat2 [23]
[*]NintendoDieScreaming [23]
[*]taxman [23]
[*]crsdawg [22]
[*]Numan [19]
[*]kemsted [18]
[*]Thomas Jentzsch [17]
[*]homerwannabee [17]
[*]The 8th Passenger [17]
[*]LarcenTyler [17]
[*]Tsukasa [15]
[*]Kurushimi [15]
[*]HermChase [13]
[*]Cybergoth [12]
[*]NovaXpress [12]
[*]Christophero Sly [12]
[*]Blackjack [8]
[*]dykesr [7]
[*]mikeftrevino [7]
[*]NE146 [7]
[*]Lord Thag [6]
[*]EricDeLee [6]
[*]Paul Slocum [6]
[*]mvigor [6]
[*]StanJr [5]
[*]video game addict [5]
[*]DeV0 [4]
[*]therealred5 [4]

[*]davepesc [3]
[*]128bytes [3]
[*]BlackAtarian [3]
[*]maibock [2]
[*]Nateo [2]
[*]Sora [2]
[*]FireTiger [2]
[*]A2600 [1]
[*]chrisbid [1]
[*]Gamemaster_ca_2003 [1]
[*]Scooterb23 [1]
[*]vb_master [1]
[*]InanimateCarbonRod [0]
[*]Kepone [0]
[*]shining slade [0]
[*]Saikyo [0]
[*]Dan Iacovelli [0]
[*]moycon [0]
[*]gamerz [0]
[*]LU8 [0]
[*]fsuinnc [0]
[*]iguana [0]
[*]Luigi301 [0]
[*]Albert [0]
[*]pmpddytim [0]
[*]karnov [0]
[*]pitfallaimee [0]
[*]Happy_Dude [0]
[*]Kialan [0]
[*]xmetalhedx [0]
[*]Gateway [0]
[*]Adrian M [0]
[*]intvgene [0]
[*]ScottHuggins [0]
[*]jeepnut24 [0]
[*]figgler [0]
[*]sabeen557 [0]
[*]Old_Atarian [0]
[*]hobbles [0]
[*]liquid_sky [0]
[*]RadioFSoftware [0]
[*]Spirantho [0]
[*]johnnywc [0]
[*]AcidTone [0]
[*]chadtower [0]
[*]PaulEMoz [0]
[*]BigFairy321 [0]
[*]atari_wizard [0]
[*]Xot [0]
[*]lost child [0]
[*]Bunsen [0]
[*]Big Player [0]
Standings are current as of the beginning of this week,
and do NOT include points from this week's game. If
you think there has been a mistake in any of the
scoring, please contact me.


Member List
lost child, Happy_Dude, video game addict, Spirantho, bobafett07728, mikeftrevino, Paul Slocum, fsuinnc, Gamemaster_ca_2003, Robert M, DeV0, Gateway, Mendon, Fretwobbler, PaulEMoz, killersquirel, shining slade, chadtower, gospeedde, stayrunner, Big Player, Swingtown, Chris++, hotpants, hobbles, taxman, Ze_ro, maibock, moycon, somePUNK, Saldo, Stingray, Kepone, xmetalhedx, chrisbid, Kialan, Jeffy Arensmeyer, Keir, ToddRogers, Numan, iguana, LU8, jeepnut24, Albert, Tsukasa, Adrian M, dykesr, EricDeLee, Thomas Jentzsch, The 8th Passenger, the 5th ghost, Bunsen, atari_wizard, jedijeff, davepesc, maximebeauvais, buzzguy, bjk7382, khryssun, HermChase, wiz21mx, karnov, Goochman, NE146, keilbaca, vb_master, Sora, Malc74, sabeen557, 128bytes, Fellow Atari Man, liquid_sky, InanimateCarbonRod, Krazy_kamino, pmpddytim, cuteycat2, kemsted, Xot, Scooterb23, elviticus, Dan Iacovelli, LarcenTyler, RadioFSoftware, sku_u, no attack, Kurushimi, Blackjack, fedechab, gamerz, mvigor, Nateo, Cybergoth, A2600, Lord Thag, homerwannabee


Scoring Points in Asteroids



Score Rolls? - Unknown, let us know if you can do it!


Hints and Tips
As always, you really should read the manual.

What's that? You don't have the manual? Well, then you can always check out this typed copy of the manual hosted right here at AtariAge.

What's that? You're too lazy to click that link? Well, here's the hints that is provided in the manual:

1. When the screen becomes clear of asteroids (just before a new group of large asteroids appears), try to avoid placing your spaceship close to the right or left edge of the screen. New asteroids almost always begin from these edges.

2. It is often helpful to remain in the center of the screen throughout the game, aiming your spaceship right or left in a circular motion.

3. If you're close to earning an extra ship, and your spaceship is about to crash, you may want to cause your spaceship to collide with a small asteroid, UFO, or satellite. You'll earn points even if you crash, and this may be just enough points to earn that extra ship.

4. Try to hit the faster and smaller asteroid boulders. This will give you more protection and more points.

(the manual)
*As most of us already know, a diagional target is more difficult to hit than one just moving up and down, so try to knock out the asteroids traveling at a diagional as quickly as possible, rather than the ones just moving vertically.

*Try not to wait until a medium- or a large-sized asteroid is almost on top of you before shooting it, since you will end up with up to three asteroids to deal with, rather than just one.

*Try to take out the u. f. o.'s as quickly as possible, since, not only are they worth the most points, since they shoot as well, they're also a danger that way as well.

Rather than four on the arcade original, on this version, you're only allowed two onscreen shots at a time...so make them count!!

(Fellow Atari Man)


Good luck everyone!



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A few tips:


*As most of us already know, a diagional target is more difficult to hit than one just moving up and down, so try to knock out the asteroids traveling at a diagional as quickly as possible, rather than the ones just moving vertically.


*Try not to wait until a medium- or a large-sized asteroid is almost on top of you before shooting it, since you will end up with up to three asteroids to deal with, rather than just one.


*Try to take out the u. f. o.'s as quickly as possible, since, not only are they worth the most points, since they shoot as well, they're also a danger that way as well.


See y'all later with a screenshot... :)

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Little improvement




Yeah, little improvement on mine too :)


Aside from trying the Sadistroids hack briefly a few months ago, I had forgotten about all the little nuiances in this game, like how your shots to the right will overlap a little, going a little further than the shots do when you're facing to the left. And that damn little u. f. o.; argh! Always shooting me...


Other than that hack, I hadn't played this in years...either play the 7800 version, or Rockaroids on my Vectrex. :)

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Make that 15410.


Incidentally, I don't think lost child has been around in a while, and he only played in the very first week of the HSC from what I can see. Judging from his total posts, he's only posted 3 times since May, so best of luck in getting hold of him!


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A quick note about the dark border on the left of the screen.


Inside my Asteroids manual is a leaflet that talks about it. They call it a "programming characteristic" and may vary on different televisions.


The manual also has a helpful hints section with real gems of wisdom like

"Try to hit the smaller asteroids" and "It's helpful to remain in the center of the screen aiming your spaceship right and left or in a circular motion".



I'm up to 24,220 and frustration is seriously setting in now.

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Finally have a little spare time, after missing last week's game (first one in about 4 months).  First score for Asteroids, a fairly paltry 12990.


Keep up the good work, Keilbaca!


Thanks for the support, I'm doing my best, I have a test tomorrow, but after that I'll be here ALL the time.

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