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Strange request - need some random 6502 code


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I'm in need of a complete program source code in 6502 Assembly format. It can be anything (game, utility or whatever). I don't want to know what it is and it should be undocumented. It should be written for the Atari 8-bit.


It's so that I can make a point in legal circles ...


There is flying around a lot of source codes for A8 games, demos, utils... http://www.atariarchives.org/APX/showindex.php - here you can find full source code for Eastern front 1941 game, http://www.webpark.sk/atari/moje.html - here is source code for simple 1kB intro, http://numen.scene.pl/ - here is source code for the best A8 demo of all times and so on and so on...



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sub_09d0	jsr sub_0ccd

 jsr sub_0b0c

 jsr sub_0b2e

loc_09d9	lda sync

 beq loc_09d9

 lda label_5

 bne loc_0a00

 jsr trigger_scan

 cpy #$00

 beq loc_0a00

 lda #$01

 sta label_5

 lda loc_0c99+$01

 sta sub_0cf5+$01

 lda loc_0c99+$02

 sta sub_0cf5+$02

loc_0a00	lda label_5

 beq loc_0a0b

 jsr sub_0cdd

 jsr sub_0d1e

loc_0a0b	jsr sub_0c90

 lda label_8

 cmp #$03

 bne loc_0a20

 jsr sub_0ca5

 cmp #$56

 beq loc_0a20

 cmp #$00

 bne loc_0a64

loc_0a20	jsr sub_0cb7

 lda loc_0c99+$01

 cmp #$ac

 bne no_lev_done

 lda loc_0c99+$02

 cmp #$4b

 bne no_lev_done

 jmp level_done

no_lev_done	lda label_9

 cmp #$03

 bne loc_0a5c

 jsr sub_0cf9

 cmp #$00

 beq loc_0a5c

 cmp #$56

 beq loc_0a5c

 lda label_5

 beq loc_0a5c

 jsr bump_score

 jsr bump_score

 jsr bump_score

 jsr bump_score

loc_0a5c	lda #$00

 sta sync

 jmp loc_09d9


Is that a big enough chunk...?

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