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Is there life in the A8 in today's high-tech world?


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Good to see all the input on this thread.


Will the 8-bits ever be needed again? Well, in a form, yes.


Granted, for the typical workstation, the computer that can become whatever is kinda nice. I have seem glorified terminals used, but they went back to full fledged computers once again. Right now they have given me to use a 3 ghz computer. Real nice.


But I see two trends happening. One, computers are cheap.. cheap cheap... you can build a computer built for you for like $300.


But, then some have issues with like energy and parts to replace for certain tasks, or just a quest for simplicity. That is why we have seen E-mail stations, Blackberries, cell phones, etc. These things are fairly simple-esque devices.


The trend I am taking is going for more portablility, which with today's technology does not neccesarily mean less storage space. I use PDA's, and my closest thing to a desktop (modern) is a laptop computer. My modern gaming (Gameboy) tends to be portable.


I think as time goes on, portablility and streamlining will be the trend. Computers as we know it will vanish into walls and appliances. Soon, we will all but forget about the "computer". It will just be there.


My Atari 800 sits in a "computer room"... a room where all my junk is stored basically. I go in there for maybe an hour a day. I check the BBS's I'm on, check some E-mail, maybe play a game.


My favorite desktop has got to be the Atari 800. :) Fun to tinker on.


Do I think that the 8-bit as a desktop will return? No.. not at all.


But I do believe that some appliance will need a simple controller (see the "basic Stamp" as a good example). Simple turning on lights and X-10 stuff is a good task for a 8-bit computer. Interactive voice commands and all will require more complex computers. But it would not surprise me to find as companies slim down products that more 8-bit hardware (or whatever works) is put to dedicated functions.

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