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Another POKEY Music Thread


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Appended to this Message is the best music I ever heared with POKEYs abilities. (THX to Raster for the first conversion).


Which means:


4 voices

all voices are distinguish in responsibility (No interferenes)

full spectrum sound

the melodic flow is as on the original

Pokey isn't yelling its Balls off ( Quote Sack-Cos ;) )



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Let's make a comparision...

Actually, it's more a compare and imagine type.


Below you will find a part of a musicpiece...


Now first try to listen to the Shadow of the Beast music

(DW Song Playable with Deli-Player http://www.deliplayer.com )


Then listen to the sound in SotB on the A8



then listen to the panflute tune. Its in OGG format, so its a bit smaller without losing soundquality.

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