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The Maria's


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With all this talk of academy award nominations and stuff i thought i would create our very own awards the GOLDEN MARIA. Here are 2 catagories to get us started, please add more, with 4 nominations for each. Winners will be announced in the new year.


The nominations for best graphics are as follows :-

Desert Falcon - Especially excellent sphinx.

Ikari Warriors - For its detailed scenary.

Ballblazer - For its brilliant 3D perspective.

Ninja Golf - Smooth parallex scrolling


The nominations for best music are as follows :-

Ballblazer - Wonderful pokey tune.

Jinks - Fabulous digitised title track.

Midnight Mutants - Atmospheric stuff.

Double Dragon - Arcade tunes recreated.

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I agree with your nominations but I would like to add to your "best music" nominations Commando, if I may.


For my own categories I submit:


Best Game Play and Control:



Robotron: 2084

Ms. Pac-Man




Best Arcade Conversion:



Ms. Pac-Man

Pole Position II

Robotron: 2084

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Like your thoughts, games duley added to the nominations. Don't have commando and Alien Brigade is on its way to me at the mo! Anyway 2 more catagories:-


Nominations for best 7800 personality are :-

Louie - Scrapyard Dog

Ms. Pacman

Mario - Donkey kong, Donkey kong Jnr. & Mario Bros.

Grampa - Midnight Mutants


The BROWN TIA for worst game nominations are :-

Hat Trick - Truley dull hockey game.

Karateka - Could have been so good . . .

Fight Night - Rubbish and random.

Title Match Wrestling - Looks good but plays like a limp squid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nominations for best Multi-player game are:


Winter Games - Loads of players, loads of fun!

Double Dragon - Just like the arcade!

One-on-one Basketball - My fave.

Basketbrawl - Different as you can also fight!


Nominations for most original game are:


Jinks - Its weird but i like it!

Ninja Golf - Possibly the craziest idea ever!

Crack'ed - Not your normal shooting game.

Super Skatebordin' - Not really a platformer or skating game.

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